About this database is a database of books on cinema.
This database currently has 23999 entries.
Do not hesitate to report errors or omissions using the contact form.

A) Fields covered:
- Books whose main subject is cinema
- Books whose author is a cinema personality even when the subject is far from the 7th art (this type of work can help to better understand the personality of its author).

Television only falls within the scope of this database when it concerns the creation of fictional works that can be assimilated to cinema. Thus, books whose subject is a TV movie or a TV series may be incorporated, but the biography of a TV presenter will not.

B) Types of books:
The objectives of this database of books on cinema are in order:
1. List books published in French and currently still available.
2. List books published in French and currently out of print.
3. List major books published in English (in priority those for which there is no French translation).
The first point is certainly achieved at more than 95%.
The second is partially achieved, the main problems being on books over 50 years old.
The third point is only just started. It turns out to be more delicate than expected and will be the subject of a (future) separate site.

Books in any form (including eBooks) are included. Special issues of magazines may be included when they have a specific ISBN and one unique subject.

C) Philosophy:
The site is a source of information. It does not sell books directly. It only contains affiliate links to online sales sites:
1. Amazon
3. A platform for selling used books: Rakuten (formerly Price Minister).
I receive a small commission when you click on one of these affiliate links and buy a book. Thank you for that... but I would like to point out that these commissions are very, very far from compensating for the time spent creating and updating this site. is above all a site of passion.
Please note that many books are available from your favorite bookseller and that publishers' websites may have a section offering the possibility of ordering books directly.

D) Website history:
02/02/2014: Online with 4620 entries.
05/12/2014: End of research work on old editions of books on directors - 7020 entries
09/21/2014: End of research work on old editions of books on actors - 8360 entries
12/08/2014: End of introduction of screenplays (notably those of L'Avant-Scène Cinéma ) - 9280 entries
03/18/2015: The milestone of 10,000 entries has been reached!
05/28/2015: Rewriting of the site to adapt to phones and other small screens
02/02/2016: 2nd anniversary of the site - 10,500 entries
02/02/2017: 3rd anniversary of the site - 11,200 entries
02/02/2018: 4th anniversary of the site - 12,100 entries
02/02/2019: 5th anniversary of the site - 12,700 entries
02/02/2020: 6th anniversary of the site - 13,700 entries
02/02/2021: 7th anniversary of the site - 14,500 entries
02/02/2022: 8th anniversary of the site - 16,500 entries
02/02/2023: 9th anniversary of the site - 19,400 entries
05/22/2023: The milestone of 20,000 entries has been reached!
08/31/2023: Addition of the possibility of logging in to create personal lists
02/02/2024: 10th anniversary of the site - 21,600 entries
27/08/2024: English version of the the French site with 23,400 entries
01/09/2024: Works on the English site (books in english language) has begun
02/02/2025: 11th anniversary of the site - 23,800 entries

E) Privacy rules:
No advertising cookies are set or used. The site uses only technical cookies: when displaying a list of books, a cookie is created to store the list so that the visitor can move on to the next book with the "Next book" icon. The other cookies are linked to the server load balancer: the site can be served by several servers in parallel, the cookie allows a visitor to be served by the same server during their navigation in order to speed up the delivery of pages. Apart from the IP, no personal data is used and no statistics are powered by these cookies. No other external cookies, no third-party cookies, no external advertising is displayed, no code is executed on the client side when displaying the pages (except for the layout which adapts to the width of the screen). The "Buy from..." links do not contain any code executed on display.

When the visitor clicks on an icon of the type "Buy the book at...", he continues his navigation on the chosen online sales site which will most certainly have different rules.

Content and programming: Remi Loisel
The book presentations reproduced are generally those of the publishers.
Website by Studio Amarante (legal notices).
Host: OVH.



23999 books listed   •   (c)2014-2025   •