• Biographies (3) • Studies (6) • Screenplay (5) • Director's writings (6) • Writings (2) • Novel (3) • Adapted novel (3)
• Biographies (1) • Studies (2) • Screenplay (4) • Director's writings (3) • Writings (1) • Novel (3) • Adapted novel (0)
• Biographies (3 books)(1 book)
Charlie Chaplin (2000)
by André Bazin and Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
Subject: Director > Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin (1985)
by André Bazin and Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Ramsay
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin (1972)
by André Bazin and Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Cerf
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Charlie Chaplin
• Studies (6 books)(2 books)
Hitchcock (2006)
by Eric Rohmer and Claude Chabrol
Publisher: Ramsay
Subject: Director > Alfred Hitchcock
L'organisation de l'espace dans le Faust de Murnau (1996)
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Ramsay
(old edition)
Hitchcock (1986)
by Eric Rohmer and Claude Chabrol
Publisher: Ramsay
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Alfred Hitchcock
L'organisation de l'espace dans le Faust de Murnau (1977)
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Union générale d'éditions
(old edition)
Hitchcock (1957)
by Eric Rohmer and Claude Chabrol
Publisher: Éditions Universitaires
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Alfred Hitchcock
• Screenplay (5 books)(4 books)
Contes des 4 saisons (2020)
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
Subject: One Film > A Tale of Springtime, A Tale of Winter, A Summer's Tale, Autumn Tale
Contes des 4 saisons (2001)
Conte de printemps, Conte d'hiver, Conte d'été, Conte d'automne
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
(old edition)
Subject: One Film > A Tale of Springtime, A Tale of Winter, A Summer's Tale, Autumn Tale
Comédies et proverbes, tome 1 (1999)
La Femme de l'aviateur, Le Beau mariage, Pauline à la plage
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
Subject: One Film > The Aviator's Wife, A Good Marriage, Pauline at the Beach
Comédies et proverbes, tome 2 (1999)
Les nuits de pleine lune, Le Rayon vert, L'Ami de mon amie
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
Subject: One Film > Full Moon in Paris, The Green Ray, Boyfriends and Girlfriends
• Director's writings (6 books)(3 books)
Le Sel du présent (2020)
Chroniques de cinéma
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Capricci
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
Friponnes de porcelaine (2014)
Rohmer inédit
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Stock
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
Eric Rohmer (2010)
Le Celluloïd et le Marbre, suivi d'un entretien inédit
by Eric Rohmer, Noël Herpe and Philippe Fauvel
Publisher: Léo Scheer
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
De Mozart en Beethoven (1998)
Essai sur la notion de profondeur en musique
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Actes Sud
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
Le Goût de la beauté (1993)
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Flammarion
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
Le Goût de la beauté (1984)
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
• Writings (2 books)(1 book)
Le goût de la beauté (2020)
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
Subject: On Films > Movie reviews
Le Goût de la beauté (2004)
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
(old edition)
Subject: On Films > Movie reviews
• Novel (3 books)(3 books)
Six contes moraux (2020)
La petite bibliothèque
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
Subject: One Film > My Night at Maud's, Claire's Knee, Love in the Afternoon, The Collector
Six contes moraux (2018)
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: L'Herne
(old edition)
Subject: One Film > My Night at Maud's, Claire's Knee, Love in the Afternoon, The Collector
• Adapted novel (3 books)(0 book)
Six contes moraux (1998)
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
(old edition)
Subject: One Film > My Night at Maud's, Claire's Knee, Love in the Afternoon, The Collector
Six contes moraux (1988)
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: Ramsay
(old edition)
Subject: One Film > The Collector, My Night at Maud's, Claire's Knee, Love in the Afternoon
Six contes moraux (1974)
by Eric Rohmer
Publisher: L'Herne
(old edition)
Subject: One Film > My Night at Maud's, Claire's Knee, Love in the Afternoon, The Collector
> Other books related to Eric Rohmer:
Balzac Reframed (2019)
The Classical and Modern Faces of Éric Rohmer and Jacques Rivette
by Zahra Tavassoli Zea
(in English)
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer, Jacques Rivette
Le Charme et la Sublimation (2017)
Essai sur le désir et la renonciation dans l'œuvre d'Eric Rohmer
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
Eric Rohmer (2016)
Filmmaker and Philosopher
by Vittorio Hösle
(in English)
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
Eric Rohmer, le conteur du cinéma (2013)
by Aïdée Caillot and Gianpaolo Pagni
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
The Cinema of Eric Rohmer (2012)
Irony, Imagination, and the Social World
by Jacob Leigh
(in English)
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
Contes d'été - É. Rohmer, 1996 (2011)
Analyse d'une œuvre
by Pierre Beylot and Martin Barnier
Subject: One Film > A Summer's Tale
Eric Rohmer, corps et âme (2011)
L'Intégrité retrouvée
by Violaine Caminade de Schuytter
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
Retrospektive Eric Rohmer (2010)
Dir. Astrid Ofner, Stefan Flach and Claudia Siefen
(in German)
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
Filmer le XVIIIe siècle (2009)
Dir. Laurence Schifano and Martial Poirson
Subject: Genre > History films
Eric Rohmer, tome 3 (2008)
Contes des quatre saisons - Tragédies de l'Histoire
Dir. Yannick Mouren
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
Le Court Métrage français de 1945 à 1968 (2008)
Tome 2, Documentaire, fiction: allers-retours
Dir. Antony Fiant and Roxane Hamery
Five French Filmmakers (2008)
Renoir, Bresson, Tati, Truffaut, Rohmer: Essays and Interviews
by Bert Cardullo
(in English)
Subject: Director > Jean Renoir, Robert Bresson, Jacques Tati, François Truffaut, Eric Rohmer
Une esthétique de l'authentique (2007)
Les films de la Nouvelle Vague
Apprentissage du cinéma français (2004)
Livre de l'étudiant
Triple agent - L'invraisemblable vérité de Rohmer (2004)
Dir. Noël Herpe, Fabienne Costa and Hervé Aubron
Subject: On Films > Film selections
Journal de ma vie durant la Révolution française (2001)
L'Anglaise et le duc
Subject: One Film > The Lady and the Duke
La Nouvelle Vague (2001)
Dir. Antoine de Baecque and Charles Tesson
Subject: On Films > Movie magazines
Le Spectateur séduit (1999)
Le libertinage dans le cinéma d'Eric Rohmer
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
L'Arbre, le maire et la médiathèque (1994)
Subject: One Film > The Tree the Mayor and the Mediatheque
Les Cahiers du cinéma, Histoire d'une revue, tome 1 (1991)
A l'assaut du cinéma, 1951-1959
Subject: On Films > Movie magazines
Eric Rohmer (1988)
un hommage du Centre culturel français de Turin
Dir. Sergio Toffetti
Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer
Le Cinéma en question (1973)
Rozier, Chabrol, Rivette, Truffaut, Demy, Rohmer
by Jean Collet
Subject: Director > Jacques Demy, François Truffaut, Claude Chabrol, Jacques Rivette, Jacques Rozier, Eric Rohmer
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.