• Biographies (7) • Encyclopedias (2) • Dictionaries (4) • Studies (7) • Interviews (2) • Stories (2)
• Biographies (3) • Encyclopedias (1) • Dictionaries (1) • Studies (2) • Interviews (1) • Stories (1)
• Biographies (7 books)(3 books)
Sacha Guitry (2007)
by Olivier Barrot and Raymond Chirat
Publisher: Gallimard
Subject: Director > Sacha Guitry
Christian-Jaque (1976)
by Raymond Chirat and Olivier Barrot
Publisher: Travelling
Subject: Director > Christian-Jaque
Pierre Brasseur (1974)
by Olivier Barrot and Philippe Ariotti
Publisher: L'Avant-Scène Cinéma
Subject: Actor > Pierre Brasseur
• Encyclopedias (2 books)(1 book)
Les Excentriques du cinéma français (1985)
by Raymond Chirat and Olivier Barrot
Publisher: Henri Veyrier
Subject: On Films > Characters
• Dictionaries (4 books)(1 book)
Ciné-club (2010)
Portraits, carrières et destins de 250 acteurs du cinéma français (1930-1960)
by Olivier Barrot and Raymond Chirat
Publisher: Flammarion
Noir et blanc (2000)
250 acteurs du cinéma français 1930-1960
by Olivier Barrot and Raymond Chirat
Publisher: Flammarion
(old edition)
Gueules d'atmosphères (1994)
Les acteurs du cinéma français (1929-1959)
by Olivier Barrot and Raymond Chirat
Publisher: Gallimard
(old edition)
Inoubliables ! (1986)
Visages du cinéma français 1930-1950
by Olivier Barrot and Raymond Chirat
Publisher: Calmann-Lévy
• Studies (7 books)(2 books)
La vie culturelle dans la France occupée (2009)
by Olivier Barrot and Raymond Chirat
Publisher: Gallimard
Subject: History of Cinema
Salut à Louis Jouvet (2002)
by Olivier Barrot and Raymond Chirat
Publisher: Éditions du Rocher
Subject: Actor > Louis Jouvet
Cinéma, service public (1977)
Créteil, 1968-1976
by Olivier Barrot, Jean-Pierre Jeancolas and Gérard Lefèvre
Publisher: François Maspero
Subject: Economy
L'Angleterre et son cinéma (1977)
Le courant documentaire 1927-1965
by Olivier Barrot, Philippe Pilard and Jean Queval
Publisher: Cinéma d'aujourd'hui
Subject: Countries > United Kingdom
Le cinéma et les enfants (1976)
Dir. Olivier Barrot
Publisher: Maison des Arts et de la Culture de Créteil
Subject: Sociology
Rétrospective Columbia (1975)
by Olivier Barrot, Jean-François Camus and Jean-Pierre Jeancolas
Publisher: Maison des Arts et de la Culture de Créteil
• Interviews (2 books)(1 book)
Magic Ciné (2005)
by Pierre Tchernia and Olivier Barrot
Publisher: Le Livre de Poche
Subject: Director > Pierre Tchernia
Magic Ciné (2003)
by Pierre Tchernia and Olivier Barrot
Publisher: Fayard
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Pierre Tchernia
• Stories (2 books)(1 book)
Voyage au pays des salles obscures (2006)
by Olivier Barrot and Alain Bouldouyre
Publisher: Hoëbeke
Subject: Sociology
L'Écran français, 1943-1953 (1979)
Histoire d'un journal et d'une époque
Publisher: Les Éditeurs Francais Réunis
Subject: On Films > Movie magazines
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.