See the collections / series of this publisher
• Biographies (4) • Essays (4) • Studies (16) • Interviews (3) • Screenplay (7) • Director's writings (2) • Adapted novel (1)
• Biographies (0) • Essays (0) • Studies (0) • Interviews (0) • Screenplay (0) • Director's writings (0) • Adapted novel (0)
• Biographies (4 books)(0 book)
Alexandro Jodorowsky (1985)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Director > Alejandro Jodorowsky
Robert Bresson (1983)
La passion du cinématographe
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Director > Robert Bresson
Fritz Lang, cinéaste américain (1982)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Director > Fritz Lang
Jancsó (1977)
by Yvette Biro
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Director > Miklós Jancsó
• Essays (4 books)(0 book)
Le Cinéma français sous Vichy (1980)
les films français de 1940 à 1944
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: History of Cinema
L'Analyse du film (1980)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
(old edition)
Subject: Film Analysis
Le Filmique et le Comique (1978)
Essai sur le film comique
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Genre > Comedy/Humor
• Studies (16 books)(0 book)
L'écriture filmique de Marguerite Duras (1985)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Director > Marguerite Duras
Georges Méliès cinéaste (1984)
Le montage cinématographique chez Georges Méliès
by Pierre Jenn
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Director > Georges Méliès
Le Cinéma de Robbe-Grillet (1983)
Essai sémiocritique
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Director > Alain Robbe-Grillet
Approche du récit filmique (1980)
Sur L'Homme qui ment d'Alain Robbe-Grillet
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: One Film > The Man Who Lies
De l'imaginaire au cinéma (1980)
by Odile Larere
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: One Film > Conversation Piece
La Théorie du film (1980)
Dir. Jacques Aumont and Jean-Louis Leutrat
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Theory
La Révolution figurée (1979)
Film, Histoire, Politique
by Michèle Lagny, Marie-Claire Ropars and Pierre Sorlin
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: One Film > October (Ten Days that Shook the World)
Octobre (1979)
tome 2, La Révolution figurée : inscription de l'histoire et du politique dans un film
by Michèle Lagny, Marie-Claire Ropars and Pierre Sorlin
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: One Film > October (Ten Days that Shook the World)
Montage Eisenstein (1978)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Sergueï Eisenstein
La Règle du jeu (1978)
situation du cinéma français : 1968-1978
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Economy
Octobre (1976)
écriture et idéologie
by Pierre Sorlin and Marie-Claire Ropars
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: One Film > October (Ten Days that Shook the World)
Lectures du film (1975)
éléments pour une sémiologie du cinéma
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Film Analysis
Marguerite Duras (1975)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Director > Marguerite Duras
• Interviews (3 books)(0 book)
Marguerite Duras tourne un film (1981)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Director > Marguerite Duras
Entretiens avec Joris Ivens (1979)
by Joris Ivens and Claire Devarrieux
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Director > Joris Ivens
Marguerite Duras tourne un film (1975)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Marguerite Duras
• Screenplay (7 books)(0 book)
Mon oncle d'Amérique (1980)
by Jean Gruault and Alain Resnais
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: One Film > My American Uncle
La Cité des femmes (1980)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: One Film > City of Women
Prova d'orchestra (1979)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: One Film > Orchestra Rehearsal
Les Sœurs Brontë (1979)
un film d'André Techiné
by André Téchiné and Pascal Bonitzer
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: One Film > The Brontë Sisters
Les Chiens du Sinaï (1979)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: One Film > Fortini Cani
Les Rendez-vous d'Anna (1978)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: One Film > Meetings with Anna
• Director's writings (2 books)(0 book)
Introduction à une véritable histoire du cinéma, tome 1 (1980)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Jean-Luc Godard
Techniquement douce (1978)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: Director > Michelangelo Antonioni
• Adapted novel (1 book)(0 book)
Vera Baxter ou Les plages de l'Atlantique (1984)
Publisher: Albatros
Collection: Ça-cinéma
Subject: One Film > Baxter Vera Baxter
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