Publisher: André Martel - series: (non-series) (11 books)

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•  Encyclopedias (3)    •  Writings (3)    •  Novel (4)    •  Adapted novel (1)

•  Encyclopedias (0)    •  Writings (0)    •  Novel (0)    •  Adapted novel (0)

•  Encyclopedias (3 books)(0 book)

Histoire du cinéma:1. Le Cinéma muet

Histoire du cinéma (1954)

1. Le Cinéma muet

by Maurice Bardèche and Robert Brasillach

Publisher: André Martel
Series: (non-series)
(old edition)

Subject: History of Cinema

Histoire du cinéma:2. Le Cinéma parlant

Histoire du cinéma (1954)

2. Le Cinéma parlant

by Maurice Bardèche and Robert Brasillach

Publisher: André Martel
Series: (non-series)
(old edition)

Subject: History of Cinema

Histoire du cinéma:Nouvelle édition

Histoire du cinéma (1948)

Nouvelle édition

by Maurice Bardèche and Robert Brasillach

Publisher: André Martel
Series: (non-series)
(old edition)

Subject: History of Cinema

•  Writings (3 books)(0 book)

•  Novel (4 books)(0 book)

Les Feux de la Saint-Jean:II. Constanzia

Les Feux de la Saint-Jean (1954)

II. Constanzia

by Erich von Stroheim

Publisher: André Martel
Series: (non-series)
(old edition)

Subject: Director > Erich von Stroheim


Paprika (1948)

by Erich von Stroheim

Publisher: André Martel
Series: (non-series)
(old edition)

Subject: Director > Erich von Stroheim

•  Adapted novel (1 book)(0 book)

Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.

23964 books listed   •   (c)2014-2025   •