Publisher: Assouline - series: (non-series) (10 books)

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•  Encyclopedias (1)    •  Studies (1)    •  Stories (3)    •  Photos (5)

•  Encyclopedias (0)    •  Studies (1)    •  Stories (2)    •  Photos (2)

•  Encyclopedias (1 book)(0 book)

Ciné Game Book : Histoire mondiale du septième art

Ciné Game Book (2004)

Histoire mondiale du septième art

by Pierre Murat and Michel Grisolia

Publisher: Assouline
Series: (non-series)

Subject: On Films > Quizz

•  Studies (1 book)(1 book)

Columbia pictures:100 years of cinema

Columbia pictures (2024)

100 years of cinema

by Rodney Rothman

Publisher: Assouline
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Studio > Columbia

•  Stories (3 books)(2 books)

James Bond Destinations

James Bond Destinations (2023)

by Daniel Pembrey

Publisher: Assouline
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: One Film > James Bond

Hollywood Costards:Leçons de style, leçons de stars

Hollywood Costards (2002)

Leçons de style, leçons de stars

by Marion Maneker

Publisher: Assouline
Series: (non-series)

Subject: Technique > Costumes

•  Photos (5 books)(2 books)

James Bond Style

James Bond Style (2024)

by Lindy Hemming and Dylan Jones

Publisher: Assouline
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: One Film > James Bond


Roma (2018)

by Alfonso Cuarón

Publisher: Assouline
Series: (non-series)

Subject: One Film > Roma

Hollywood: A Journey Through the Stars

Hollywood (2003)

A Journey Through the Stars

by Bob Willoughby

Publisher: Assouline
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: On Films > On Set Photos

Corbeau:L'Œil noir du cinéma français

Corbeau (1995)

L'Œil noir du cinéma français

by Roger Corbeau

Publisher: Assouline
Series: (non-series)

Subject: Countries > France

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Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.

23969 books listed   •   (c)2014-2025   •