See the collections / series of this publisher
• Biographies (2) • Autobiographies (2) • Encyclopedias (1) • Essays (1) • Studies (3) • Stories (7) • Director's writings (3) • Writings (3)
• Biographies (2) • Autobiographies (0) • Encyclopedias (1) • Essays (0) • Studies (2) • Stories (1) • Director's writings (1) • Writings (0)
• Biographies (2 books)(2 books)
Cécile Sorel (2023)
Idole des années folles
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Actor > Cécile Sorel
• Autobiographies (2 books)(0 book)
Confessions d'un acteur (1984)
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: Actor > Laurence Olivier
Quand je fais du cinéma (1972)
by Jerry Lewis
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Actor > Jerry Lewis
• Encyclopedias (1 book)(1 book)
Bollywood et les autres (2011)
Voyage au cœur du cinéma indien
by Ophélie Wiel
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: (no collection)
• Essays (1 book)(0 book)
Le Cinéma, art du XXeme siècle (1965)
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: General
• Studies (3 books)(2 books)
Fellini et les écrivains (2024)
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: L'Atelier du roman
Subject: Director > Federico Fellini
La Règle? Pas de règle (2021)
Netflix et la culture de la réinvention
by Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Economy
Le Cinéma, art subversif (1977)
by Amos Vogel
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: Genre > Experimental
• Stories (7 books)(1 book)
Tous immortels (2023)
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: Littérature française
Subject: Actor > Jean Seberg
Brando au petit déjeuner (1980)
by Anna Kashfi Brando and E.P. Stein
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: Essais et documents
Subject: Actor > Marlon Brando
Le Mauvais Chemin, La Viaccia (1961)
L'histoire du film, les dialogues et le scénario, les plus belles photos
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: Du sujet au film
Subject: One Film > La viaccia
La Nuit de Michelangelo Antonioni (1961)
by Michelangelo Antonioni and Michel Butor
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: Du sujet au film
Rocco et ses frères de Luchino Visconti (1961)
by Guido Aristarco and Gaetano Carancini
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: Du sujet au film
Subject: One Film > Rocco and His Brothers
L'Avventura de Michelangelo Antonioni (1961)
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: Du sujet au film
Subject: One Film > L'Avventura
• Director's writings (3 books)(1 book)
Les Ragazzi (2016)
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: Littérature étrangère
Subject: Director > Pier Paolo Pasolini
Propos (1980)
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Federico Fellini
Ma conception du cinéma (1971)
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Sergueï Eisenstein
• Writings (3 books)(0 book)
À toujours Monsieur Jouvet (1987)
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: Essais et documents
Subject: Actor > Madeleine Ozeray
Ma Russie (1985)
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: Essais et documents
Subject: Actor > Peter Ustinov
À toujours, Monsieur Jouvet (1966)
Publisher: Buchet Chastel
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: Actor > Madeleine Ozeray
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Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.