See the collections / series of this publisher
• Biographies (1) • Essays (9) • Films Reviews (2) • Studies (7) • Stories (2) • Screenplay (8) • Didactic (4)
• Biographies (1) • Essays (8) • Films Reviews (1) • Studies (5) • Stories (2) • Screenplay (8) • Didactic (4)
• Biographies (1 book)(1 book)
Daniel Beretta, mon ami, mon idole (2024)
by Daniel Madoz
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Actor > Daniel Beretta
• Essays (9 books)(8 books)
L'Image cinématographique gore (2020)
une esthétique du retour et du détour
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Esthétique et théorie du cinéma (2019)
by Samir Zoghbi
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Theory
L'Afrique par ses films (2019)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Le Personnage et la Lisibilité sémiotique au cinéma (2018)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Theory
Les Dessous des princesses Disney (2018)
critique du féminisme mainstream
by Amy Tounkara
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Sociology
De la culture du Brassica Rapa sur grand écran (2018)
by Jipéhel
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Princesse Anna, François Perrin/Pignon (2017)
deux figures du personnage naïf, attachant et maladroit
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Sociology
Arrêt sur enfance dans La Famille Tenenbaum et Moonrise Kingdom de Wes Anderson (2017)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Wes Anderson
Le Réel et son double (2015)
dans le cinéma de Woody Allen
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Woody Allen
• Films Reviews (2 books)(1 book)
Guide de la comédie américaine (2019)
Vol.I 1990-2010
by Harold Barbé
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Genre > Comedy/Humor
Quarante Films américains (2018)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Countries > United States
• Studies (7 books)(5 books)
La Ville rebelle et tentatrice dans la Bible et au cinéma (2022)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Genre > History films
Le Monde du cinéma sous l'Occupation (2020)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Entre cinéma et industrie (2018)
L'Afrique à la remorque
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
De l'Île de la Cité à la Cité des Anges (2015)
où des romans français mis sagement en image par l'Oncle Sam
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Technique > Adaptation
Psychose (2014)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Hitchcock et la production (2012)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Alfred Hitchcock
Vampires au cinéma (2011)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: On Films > Characters
• Stories (2 books)(2 books)
L'école imaginaire ou Cet art qu'on nomme septième (2021)
recueil 4, essai et étude
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: General
30 ans de Festival de la science-fiction à Roanne (2015)
by Jo Taboulet
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Festivals
• Screenplay (8 books)(8 books)
Le Verger (2020)
ou pour une poignée de projets de courts métrages
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: One Film > Proposition
Maran atha au Jas (2019)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: One Film > Proposition
Le Gattamelata au Jas (2019)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: One Film > Proposition
Le Fauteuil du ministre (2018)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: One Film > Proposition
Aventures Incongrues (2018)
Scénario - Film érotique
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: One Film > Proposition
Quand le mystérieux prieuré de Sion s'invite à Rennes-le-Château (2016)
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: One Film > Proposition
Aliana Wind (2010)
Mémoire parallèle
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: One Film > Proposition
• Didactic (4 books)(4 books)
L'Art du cinéma (2022)
tome 2
Publisher: Edilivre
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Technique > All techniques
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Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.