• Biographies (3) • Dictionaries (1) • Studies (3)
• Biographies (0) • Dictionaries (0) • Studies (2)
• Biographies (3 books)(0 book)
Philippe Sarde, des notes pour l'écran (2015)
Publisher: Grand Angle
Series: (non-series)
Subject: Others persons > Philippe Sarde
Miche Magne (2014)
Un destin foudroyé
Publisher: Grand Angle
Series: (non-series)
Subject: Others persons > Michel Magne
Georges Delerue - La musique au service de l'image (2014)
Publisher: Grand Angle
Series: (non-series)
Subject: Others persons > Georges Delerue
• Dictionaries (1 book)(0 book)
Dictionnaire des comédiens français disparus (2000)
543 portraits, 1170 noms
by Yvan Foucart
Publisher: Grand Angle
Series: (non-series)
(old edition)
• Studies (3 books)(2 books)
Jean Rollin et ses vampires cinématographiques (2017)
Publisher: Grand Angle
Series: (non-series)
Subject: Director > Jean Rollin
Jess Franco (2016)
L'homme aux deux cents films
Publisher: Grand Angle
Series: (non-series)
Subject: Director > Jesús Franco
Frankenstein, Dracula et les autres sous les feux de la Hammer Film Production (2015)
Publisher: Grand Angle
Series: (non-series)
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.