Publisher: Rivages - collection: Rivages Cinéma (37 books)

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•  Biographies (36)    •  Stories (1)

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•  Biographies (36 books)(0 book)

Woody Allen

Woody Allen (1995)

by Jean-Philippe Guerand

Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma
Ed. revue et augmentée

Subject: Director > Woody Allen

Eric Rohmer

Eric Rohmer (1995)

by Joël Magny

Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma
Ed. mise à jour

Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg (1994)

by Jean-Pierre Godard

Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma
(old edition)

Subject: Director > Steven Spielberg

Eric Rohmer

Eric Rohmer (1990)

by Joël Magny

Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma
(old edition)

Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer

John Ford

John Ford (1990)

by Jean-Loup Bourget

Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma

Subject: Director > John Ford

Frank Capra

Frank Capra (1989)2 stars

by Michel Cieutat

Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma
(old edition)

Subject: Director > Frank Capra

Nicholas Ray

Nicholas Ray (1987)

by Jean Wagner

Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma

Subject: Director > Nicholas Ray


Truffaut (1987)

by Hervé Dalmais

Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma
(old edition)

Subject: Director > François Truffaut

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg (1987)

by Jean-Pierre Godard

Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma
(old edition)

Subject: Director > Steven Spielberg

Eric Rohmer

Eric Rohmer (1986)

by Joël Magny

Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma
(old edition)

Subject: Director > Eric Rohmer

Wim Wenders

Wim Wenders (1986)

by Peter Buchka

Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma

Subject: Director > Wim Wenders


Fassbinder (1986)


Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma

Subject: Director > Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Fritz Lang

Fritz Lang (1985)


Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma

Subject: Director > Fritz Lang

•  Stories (1 book)(1 book)

Le cinéma en partage : Entretiens avec N.T. Binh

Le cinéma en partage (2014)4 stars

Entretiens avec N.T. Binh

by N. T. Binh and Michel Ciment

Publisher: Rivages
Collection: Rivages Cinéma
Avec 1 DVD
(old edition)

Subject: General

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Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.

23780 books listed   •   (c)2014-2024   •