books sorted from newest to oldest
Les théories du cinéma aujourd'hui (1988)
Dir. Jacques Kermabon
Publisher: Charles Corlet
Subject: Theory
Le Cinéma (1988)
Dir. Claude Beylie and Philippe Carcassonne
Publisher: Bordas
Subject: History of Cinema
Panorama du film noir américain (1988)
by Raymond Borde and Etienne Chaumeton
Publisher: Flammarion
Subject: Genre > Detective movie
The Universal Story (1987)
Publisher: Crown
(in English)
Paris cinéma (1987)
une ville vue par le cinéma, de 1895 à nos jours
by Jean Douchet and Gilles Nadeau
Publisher: du May
Subject: Technique > Set Decoration
Encyclopédie du film noir (1987)
by Alain Silver and Elizabeth Ward
Publisher: Rivages
Subject: Genre > Detective movie
Les Grands Cinéastes (1987)
by Philippe Barbier and Jacques Moreau
Publisher: PAC
Subject: On Films > Guides and dictionaries
Histoire du cinéma suisse (1987)
films de fiction, 1896-1965
by Hervé Dumont
Publisher: Cinémathèque suisse
Subject: Countries > Switzerland
Le Cinéma brésilien (1987)
Publisher: Éditions du Centre Pompidou
Subject: Countries > South America
The Paramount Story (1987)
Publisher: Crown
(in English)
L'année du cinéma 1987 (1987)
by Danièle Heymann and Alain Lacombe
Publisher: Calmann-Lévy
Subject: On Films > The Cinema Annual
Le Cinéma français des années 60 (1987)
Publisher: 5 Continents
Le Cinéma français (1986)
Le Muet
Dir. Philippe d'Hugues and Michel Marmin
Publisher: Atlas
Subject: Silent Cinema
Le Cinéma italien 1905-1945 (1986)
De La Prise de Rome à Rome ville ouverte
Dir. Jean A. Gili and Aldo Bernardini
Publisher: Éditions du Centre Pompidou
Le Cinéma yougoslave (1986)
Dir. Zoran Tasic and Jean-Loup Passek
Publisher: Éditions du Centre Pompidou
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.