books sorted from newest to oldest
Une histoire du cinéma français (2021)
tome 2 - 1940-1949
by Philippe Pallin and Denis Zorgniotti
Publisher: LettMotif
Friends Forever (2021)
Celui qui a vu tous les épisodes
by Gary Susman, Jeannine Dillon and Bryan Cairns
Publisher: Mana Books
Subject: One Film > Friends (TV Series)
Star Wars - L'encyclopédie des personnages (2021)
de toutes les trilogies
by Simon Beecroft, Pablo Hidalgo and Elizabeth Dowsett
Publisher: Hachette Jeunesse
Encyclopédie du film policier français 1910-2020 (2020)
Publisher: Télémaque
Subject: Genre > Detective movie
La Collection Harry Potter au cinéma, vol. 12 (2020)
Fêtes, gastronomie et publications du monde des sorciers
Publisher: Huginn & Muninn
Subject: One Film > Harry Potter
Wes Anderson (2020)
La filmographie intégrale d'un réalisateur de génie
by Ian Nathan
Publisher: Gallimard
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Wes Anderson
Au pays des Toons ! (2020)
L'enquête rigoureusement farfelue et parfaitement subjective
Publisher: Kero
(old edition)
Harry Potter, le traité des balais et autres artefacts du monde magique (2020)
Publisher: Huginn & Muninn
Subject: One Film > Harry Potter
Les Archives des films Walt Disney (2020)
Les films d'animation 1921-1968
Dir. Daniel Kothenschulte
Publisher: Taschen
(old edition)
Subject: Studio > Walt Disney Studios
La Collection Harry Potter au cinéma, vol. 11 (2020)
Les professeurs et le personnel de Poudlard
Publisher: Huginn & Muninn
Subject: One Film > Harry Potter
Ray Harryhausen (2020)
Titan of cinema
Publisher: National Galleries of Scotland
(in English)
Subject: Others persons > Ray Harryhausen
Le Cinéma policier français (2020)
100 films, 100 réalisateurs
Publisher: Hugo Image
Subject: Genre > Detective movie
Les Meilleures Répliques du cinéma 2021 (2020)
Publisher: Éditions 365
Subject: On Films > Lines and dialogues
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.