books sorted from newest to oldest
Goldmaker (2008)
Le phénomène James Bond de Dr No à Quantum of Solace
Publisher: J'ai lu
Subject: One Film > James Bond
Bicycle Thieves (2008)
Ladri di biciclette
Publisher: BFI Publishing
(in English)
Subject: One Film > Bicycle Thieves
David et Goliath (2008)
rapports de force entre petits et grands
Dir. Trudy Bolter
Publisher: Pleine page
L'enfant au cinéma (2008)
Dir. Julie Barillet, Françoise Heitz and Patrick Louguet
Publisher: Artois Presses Université
Subject: Sociology
Une guerre qui n'en finit pas (2008)
1914-2008, à l'écran et sur scène
Dir. Christophe Gauthier, David Lescot and Laurent Véray
Publisher: Cinémathèque de Toulouse
Subject: Sociology
Le Cinéma autrichien (2008)
Dir. Christa Blümlinger
Publisher: Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre
Francis Ford Coppola (2008)
Spleen et idéal
Publisher: Éclipses
Subject: Director > Francis Ford Coppola
La Grande Guerre au cinéma (2008)
De la gloire à la mémoire
Publisher: Ramsay
Subject: Genre > History films
Twin Peaks (2008)
Les laboratoires de David Lynch
by Guy Astic
Publisher: Rouge Profond
Subject: One Film > Twin Peaks (TV Series)
Dictionnaire historique du cinéma à Saint-Etienne (2008)
Publisher: Presses universitaires de Saint-Etienne
Subject: Sociology
Sally Potter (2008)
Publisher: University of Illinois Press
(in English)
Subject: Director > Sally Potter
Yvonne Rainer, une femme qui... (2008)
Ecrits, entretiens, essais critiques
Dir. Catherine Quéloz
Publisher: Les Presses du réel
Subject: Director > Yvonne Rainer
Canal + et les majors américaines (2008)
Une vision-désenchantée du cinéma-monde
by Josepha Laroche, Alexandre Bohas and André Rousselet
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Subject: Economy
Anthropologie et cinéma (2008)
Passage à l'image, passage par l'image
Publisher: Téraèdre
Subject: Sociology
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.