books sorted from newest to oldest
American Gangster Cinema (2002)
From Little Caesar to Pulp Fiction
by Fran Mason
Publisher: Palgrave MacMillan
(in English)
Subject: Genre > Detective movie
Henri Storck (2002)
De l'avant-garde au documentaire social
by Laura Vichi
Publisher: Yellow Now
Subject: Director > Henri Storck
Une renaissance du cinéma (2002)
Le cinéma underground américain
Publisher: Paris expérimental
Subject: Countries > United States
Goldmaker (2002)
Comment James Bond est devenu le plus gros succès de l'histoire du cinéma
Publisher: Fayard
Subject: One Film > James Bond
Edgar G. Ulmer (2002)
Le bandit démasqué
Publisher: Yellow Now
Subject: Director > Edgar G. Ulmer
Le Cinéma français et les écrivains (2002)
Histoire d'une rencontre, 1906-1914
by Alain Carou
Publisher: AFRHC
Subject: History of Cinema
Changements d'identité (2002)
Publisher: Images en Manœuvres
Subject: On Films > Film selections
Arrêt sur image, fragmentation du temps (2002)
Dir. François Albera, Marta Braun and André Gaudreault
Publisher: Payot Lausanne
Subject: History of Cinema
L'Œil critique (2002)
Le journaliste critique de télévision
Dir. Jérôme Bourdon and Jean-Michel Frodon
Publisher: De Boeck
Subject: Film Analysis
Stop-Motion (2002)
L'animation Image par Image dans le cinéma fantastique
by Gilles Penso
Publisher: Dreamland
Corman, Lovecraft (2002)
la rencontre fantastique
Publisher: Dreamland
Subject: Others persons > Roger Corman
Le Crime organisé (2002)
Quatre films exemplaires
Publisher: Éditions du Temps
Subject: Genre > Detective movie
L'art en conflits (2002)
L'œuvre de l'esprit entre droit et sociologie
by Bernard Edelman and Nathalie Heinich
Publisher: La Découverte
Subject: Economy
The Blue Angel (Der Blau Engel) (2002)
by S. S. Prawer
Publisher: BFI Publishing
(in English)
Subject: One Film > The Blue Angel
Les films de Pier Paolo Pasolini (2002)
by Martine Boyer and Muriel Tinel
Publisher: Dark Star
Subject: Director > Pier Paolo Pasolini
Filmer la ville (2002)
Publisher: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté
Subject: Sociology
A History of the French New Wave Cinema (2002)
Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press
(old edition)(in English)
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.