books sorted from newest to oldest
Le train fait son cinéma, tome 2 (2015)
by Patrick Brion and Georges Di Lallo
Publisher: Riveneuve éditions
Subject: History of Cinema
The Shape of Spectatorship (2015)
Art, Science, and Early Cinema in Germany
by Scott Curtis
Publisher: Columbia University Press
(in English)
Agnes Varda (2015)
Publisher: University of Illinois Press
(in English)
Subject: Director > Agnès Varda
Gone With the Wind (2015)
by Helen Taylor
Publisher: BFI Publishing
(in English)
Subject: One Film > Gone with the Wind
In the Mood for Love (2015)
(Huayang Nianhua)
by Tony Rayns
Publisher: BFI Publishing
(old edition)(in English)
Subject: One Film > In the Mood for Love
Doctor Zhivago (2015)
by Ian Christie
Publisher: BFI Publishing
(in English)
Subject: One Film > Doctor Zhivago
When Harry Met Sally (2015)
Publisher: BFI Publishing
(in English)
Subject: One Film > When Harry Met Sally...
Brief Encounter (2015)
by Richard Dyer
Publisher: BFI Publishing
(in English)
Subject: One Film > Brief Encounter
From Here to Eternity (2015)
by J.E. Smyth
Publisher: BFI Publishing
(in English)
Subject: One Film > From Here to Eternity
Images, combattants et martyrs (2015)
La guerre Iran-Irak vue par le cinéma iranien
Publisher: Karthala
Subject: Countries > Middle-East
Génération Jedi (2015)
Sur les traces de Georges Lucas
by Baptiste Schweitzer and Matthieu Mondoloni
Publisher: Huginn & Muninn
Le Cinéma iranien (2015)
un cinéma sous influences - de 1900 à 1979
by Javad Zeiny
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Subject: Countries > Middle-East
Henri-François Imbert, le dialogue des images (2015)
suivi de Le Temps des amoureuses
Publisher: Cinergon
Subject: Director > Henri-François Imbert
La Ville méditerranéenne au cinéma (2015)
Dir. Alain Brenas and Toufic El-Khoury
Publisher: Orizons
Subject: Sociology
The Films of Preston Sturges (2015)
Dir. Jeff Jaeckle and Sarah Kozloff
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
(in English)
Subject: Director > Preston Sturges
Le Nouveau du cinéma argentin (2015)
Dir. Pietsie Feenstra
Publisher: Charles Corlet
Subject: Countries > South America
Gena Rowlands (2015)
et le renouveau des actrices d'âge mûr
Publisher: LettMotif
Subject: Actor > Gena Rowlands
Le Cinéma près de la vie (2015)
Prises de vue sociologiques sur le spectateur du XXIe siècle
Publisher: Demopolis
Subject: Sociology
Parole muette, récit burlesque (2015)
Les expressions silencieuses aux XIXe-XXe siècles
by Henri Garric
Publisher: Classiques Garnier
Subject: Silent Cinema
Menus for Movieland (2015)
Newspapers and the Emergence of American Film Culture 1913-1916
by Richard Abel
Publisher: University of California Press
(in English)
Subject: Silent Cinema
Note: A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.