On a related topic:

Action ! Anthologie du cinéma: Tome I - Des Origines à 1929

Action ! Anthologie du cinéma (2019)

Tome I - Des Origines à 1929

by Matthieu Blomme

Subject: History of Cinema

Histoire générale du cinéma 2:les pionniers du cinéma 1897-1909 (de Méliès à Pathé)

Histoire générale du cinéma 2 (1973)

les pionniers du cinéma 1897-1909 (de Méliès à Pathé)

by Georges Sadoul

Subject: History of Cinema

Le Bonimenteur de vues animées:le cinéma muet entre tradition et modernité

Le Bonimenteur de vues animées (2005)

le cinéma muet entre tradition et modernité

by Germain Lacasse

Subject: History of Cinema

Les vingt premières années du cinéma français: Colloque international de la Sorbonne-Nouvelle, 4-6 novembre 1993

Les vingt premières années du cinéma français (1995)

Colloque international de la Sorbonne-Nouvelle, 4-6 novembre 1993

by Michèle Lagny, Michel Marie, Vincent Pinel and Jean A. Gili

Subject: History of Cinema

Hollywood village:Naissance des studios de Californie

Hollywood village (1997)

Naissance des studios de Californie

by Robert Florey

Subject: History of Cinema

The Transformation of Cinema 1907-1915:History of the American Cinema vol.2

The Transformation of Cinema 1907-1915 (1994)

History of the American Cinema vol.2

by Eileen Bowser
(in English)

Subject: History of Cinema

Une invention du diable?:Cinéma des premiers temps et religion

Une invention du diable? (1992)

Cinéma des premiers temps et religion

Dir. Roland Cosandey, André Gaudreault and Tom Gunning

Subject: History of Cinema

Histoire du cinématographe: de ses origines à nos jours

Histoire du cinématographe (1925)

de ses origines à nos jours

by G.-Michel Coissac

Subject: History of Cinema

Annales du cinéma français: Les voies du silence 1895-1929

Annales du cinéma français (2012)

Les voies du silence 1895-1929

by Pierre Lherminier

Subject: Silent Cinema

Silent Cinema

A Guide to Study, Research and Curatorship (book in English)

by Paolo Cherchi Usai

History of Cinema
history of cinema, silent cinema, early cinema
Publishing date
BFI Publishing
(no collection)
Size of a pocketbookRelative size of this bookSize of a large book
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Paperback • 448 pages • 36 €
7 ½ x 9 ¾ inches (19 x 24.5 cm)
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Book Presentation:
Paolo Cherchi Usai provides a comprehensive introduction to the study, research and preservation of silent cinema from its heyday in the early 20th century to its present day flourishing. He traces the history of the moving image in its formative years, from Edison's and Lumière's first experiments to the dawn of 'talkies'; provides a clear guide to the basics of silent film technology; introduces the technical and creative roles involved in its production, and presents silent cinema as a performance event, rather than a passive viewing experience.

This new, greatly expanded edition takes the reader on a new journey, exploring silent cinema in the broader context of technology, culture, and society, from the invention of celluloid film and its related machinery to film studios, laboratories, theatres and audiences. Among the people involved in the creation of a new art form were filmmakers, actors and writers, but also engineers, entrepreneurs, and projectionists. Their collective efforts, and the struggle to preserve their creative work by archives and museums, are interwoven in a compelling story covering three centuries of media history, from the magic lantern to the reinvention of silent cinema in digital form.

The new edition also includes comprehensive resource information for the study, research, preservation and exhibition of silent cinema.

See the publisher website: BFI Publishing

> Books with the same or similar title:

Silent Cinema: An Introduction

Silent Cinema (1999)

An Introduction

by Paolo Cherchi Usai
(in English)

Subject: Silent Cinema

> From the same author:

Silent Cinema: An Introduction

Silent Cinema (1999)

An Introduction

by Paolo Cherchi Usai
(in English)

Subject: Silent Cinema

Un américain à la conquête de l'Italie:(George Kleine à Grugliasco 1913-1914) (suite et fin)

Un américain à la conquête de l'Italie (1989)

(George Kleine à Grugliasco 1913-1914) (suite et fin)

by Paolo Cherchi Usai

Subject: Countries > Italy

Un américain à la conquête de l'Italie:(George Kleine à Grugliasco 1913-1914)

Un américain à la conquête de l'Italie (1989)

(George Kleine à Grugliasco 1913-1914)

by Paolo Cherchi Usai

Subject: Countries > Italy

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A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.

23963 books listed   •   (c)2014-2025   •