Brigitte Lahaie (1999)
by Claude Alexandre and Pierre Bourgeade
Publisher: La Musardine
Subject: Actor > Brigitte Lahaie
> Other books on the subject of Brigitte Lahaie:
Moi, la scandaleuse (2018)
suivi de Brigitte Lahaie, une liberté choisie
by Brigitte Lahaie and Sophie Cadalen
Subject: Actor > Brigitte Lahaie
Brigitte Lahaie (2016)
les films de culte
by Cédric Grand Guillot and Guillaume Le Disez
Subject: Actor > Brigitte Lahaie
Dictionnaire émancipé de sexualité (2009)
by Brigitte Lahaie and Bruno Martin
Subject: Actor > Brigitte Lahaie
Parlez-nous d'amour (2007)
Deux regards sur le couple, le désir et la sexualité
by Patrice Gourrier and Brigitte Lahaie
Subject: Actor > Brigitte Lahaie
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.