• Biographies (7) • Encyclopedias (1) • Essays (3) • Studies (3) • Interviews (2) • Photos (2) • Director's writings (4)
• Biographies (3) • Encyclopedias (1) • Essays (3) • Studies (2) • Interviews (2) • Photos (1) • Director's writings (2)
• Biographies (7 books)(3 books)
Andy Warhol (2009)
La vie et l'œuvre d'Andy Warhol
by Matt Wrbican and Geralyn Huxley
Publisher: Gründ
Subject: Director > Andy Warhol
Hyperstar (1974)
Andy Warhol, son monde et ses films
by Stephen Koch
Publisher: Chêne
Subject: Director > Andy Warhol
• Encyclopedias (1 book)(1 book)
The Films of Andy Warhol (2021)
Catalogue Raisonné 1963-1965
by Bruce Jenkins, Tom Kalin and John Hanhardt
Publisher: Yale University Press
(in English)
Subject: Director > Andy Warhol
• Essays (3 books)(3 books)
Soleil synthétique (2024)
Une vie rêvée d'Edie Sedgwick en vingt-huit plans
Publisher: Mediapop
Subject: Actor > Edie Sedgwick
Warhol (2021)
by Eric Loret
Publisher: Les Pérégrines (François Bourin)
Subject: Director > Andy Warhol
• Studies (3 books)(2 books)
Empire (2024)
Andy Warhol et le business de la transcendance
Publisher: Façonnage
Subject: Director > Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol (2005)
Le cinéma comme 'Braille Mental'
Publisher: Paris expérimental
(in French and English)
Subject: Director > Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol Cinéma (1990)
Dir. Bernard Blistène and Jean-Michel Bouhours
Publisher: Éditions du Centre Pompidou
Subject: Director > Andy Warhol
• Interviews (2 books)(2 books)
Warhol / Hitchcock (2016)
Publisher: Marest
Subject: Director > Alfred Hitchcock, Andy Warhol
• Photos (2 books)(1 book)
Warhol (2009)
Le grand monde d'Andy Warhol
Dir. Emmanuelle Héran
Publisher: Réunion des Musées Nationaux
Subject: Director > Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol, 1928-1987 (1997)
Dir. Jean-Luc Chalumeau
Publisher: Cercle d'Art
Subject: Director > Andy Warhol
• Director's writings (4 books)(2 books)
Popisme (2013)
Mémoires - Les années 60
by Andy Warhol
Publisher: Flammarion
Subject: Director > Andy Warhol
Ma philosophie de A à B et vice-versa (2007)
by Andy Warhol
Publisher: Flammarion
Subject: Director > Andy Warhol
Ma philosophie de A à B et vice-versa (1977)
by Andy Warhol
Publisher: Flammarion
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Andy Warhol
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.