• Encyclopedias (4) • Studies (2) • Stories (6)
• Encyclopedias (2) • Studies (1) • Stories (6)
• Encyclopedias (4 books)(2 books)
Bretagne et cinéma (1995)
Cent ans de création cinématographique en Bretagne
by Jean-Pierre Berthomé and Gaël Naizet
Publisher: Apogée
• Studies (2 books)(1 book)
Jean Epstein (2016)
Actualité et postérités
Dir. Roxane Hamery and Eric Thouvenel
Publisher: Presses universitaires de Rennes
Subject: Director > Jean Epstein
• Stories (6 books)(6 books)
La Bretagne mise en scènes (2021)
Publisher: Espaces et signes
(old edition)
Subject: On Films > Film selections
Les yeux grands ouverts (2018)
Douarnenez, 40 ans de cinéma et de diversité
by Gérard Alle and Caroline Troin
Publisher: Locus Solus
Subject: Festivals
Les cinémas se racontent en Ille-et-Vilaine (2003)
by Maurice Blanchard, Marcel Perrichot and Jean Piccand
Publisher: Indépendant
Subject: General
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.