• Biographies (1) • Autobiographies (4) • Encyclopedias (3) • Dictionaries (1) • Studies (7) • Stories (6)
• Biographies (0) • Autobiographies (4) • Encyclopedias (2) • Dictionaries (0) • Studies (6) • Stories (3)
• Biographies (1 book)(0 book)
• Autobiographies (4 books)(4 books)
En toute confidence (2022)
by Line Renaud and Bernard Stora
Publisher: Éditions du Seuil
Subject: Actor > Line Renaud
En toute confidence (2020)
by Line Renaud and Bernard Stora
Publisher: Denoël
(old edition)
Subject: Actor > Line Renaud
Et mes secrets aussi (2014)
by Line Renaud and Bernard Stora
Publisher: Éditions du Seuil
(old edition)
Subject: Actor > Line Renaud
Et mes secrets aussi (2013)
by Line Renaud and Bernard Stora
Publisher: Robert Laffont
(old edition)
Subject: Actor > Line Renaud
• Encyclopedias (3 books)(2 books)
• Dictionaries (1 book)(0 book)
Le Who's who des cowboys chantants (2009)
Publisher: Atelier Fol'fer
• Studies (7 books)(6 books)
Connaît-on la chanson? (2018)
Usages de la chanson dans les cinémas d'Europe et d'Amérique Latine depuis 1960
Dir. Sophie Dufays, Dominique Nasta and Marie Cadalanu
Publisher: Peter Lang (P.I.E.)
Carlos Saura (2018)
Paroles et musique au cinéma
Publisher: Presses universitaires du Septentrion
Subject: Director > Carlos Saura
Almodovar, les femmes et les chansons (2011)
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Subject: Director > Pedro Almodóvar
Chanteuse in the City (2010)
The Realist Singer in French Film
Publisher: University of California Press
(in English)
La Chanson française dans le cinéma des années trente (1996)
by Giusy Basile and Chantal Gavouyère
Publisher: Bibliothèque Nationale de France
• Stories (6 books)(3 books)
Moi je joue (2017)
by Brigitte Bardot, Dominique Choulant and François Bagnaud
Publisher: Flammarion
Subject: Actor > Brigitte Bardot
Histoire des plus célèbres chansons du cinéma (1990)
by Isabelle Champion and Marion Vidal
Publisher: M.A. Éditions
Subject: History of Cinema
Montand (1981)
De chansons en images
Dir. Michelle Lanèque and Romain Galliot
Publisher: Bréa
Subject: Actor > Yves Montand
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.