Keyword: Marx Brothers (46 books)

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•  Biographies (7)    •  Autobiographies (5)    •  Encyclopedias (2)    •  Essays (1)    •  Studies (8)    •  Stories (1)    •  Screenplay (4)    •  Photos (2)    •  Writings (14)    •  Novel (2)

•  Biographies (3)    •  Autobiographies (0)    •  Encyclopedias (1)    •  Essays (0)    •  Studies (3)    •  Stories (0)    •  Screenplay (0)    •  Photos (0)    •  Writings (4)    •  Novel (1)

•  Biographies (7 books)(3 books)

Les Marx Brothers : les indomptables du cinéma

Les Marx Brothers (2015)

les indomptables du cinéma

by Hélène Deschamps and Mathieu de Muizon

Publisher: A dos d'âne

Subject: Actor > Marx Brothers

The Marx Brothers:The Life Story of Five Brash Sons Who Became the Best-Loved Comedians in America

The Marx Brothers (1952)

The Life Story of Five Brash Sons Who Became the Best-Loved Comedians in America

by Kyle Chrichton

Publisher: Popular Library
(in English)

Subject: Actor > Marx Brothers

•  Autobiographies (5 books)(0 book)

Groucho and Me:The Autobiography

Groucho and Me (2009)

The Autobiography

by Groucho Marx

Publisher: Virgin Books
(in English)

Subject: Actor > Marx Brothers

Harpo et moi

Harpo et moi (1985)

by Harpo Marx

Publisher: Ramsay

Subject: Actor > Marx Brothers

Harpo Marx:(Harpo speaks !)

Harpo Marx (1963)

(Harpo speaks !)

by Harpo Marx

Publisher: Charles Mandel
(old edition)

Subject: Actor > Marx Brothers

Groucho and me

Groucho and me (1962)

by Groucho Marx

Publisher: Arthaud
(old edition)

Subject: Actor > Marx Brothers

•  Encyclopedias (2 books)(1 book)

•  Essays (1 book)(0 book)

Le Filmique et le Comique:Essai sur le film comique

Le Filmique et le Comique (1978)

Essai sur le film comique

by Jean-Paul Simon

Publisher: Albatros

Subject: Genre > Comedy/Humor

•  Studies (8 books)(3 books)

Le Burlesque:ou Morale de la tarte à la crème

Le Burlesque (2021)

ou Morale de la tarte à la crème

by Petr Kràl

Publisher: Lurlure

Subject: Genre > Comedy/Humor

Duck Soup

Duck Soup (2021)

by J. Hoberman

Publisher: BFI Publishing
(in English)

Subject: One Film > Duck Soup

Hail, Hail, Euphoria!: Presenting the Marx Brothers in Duck Soup, the Greatest War Movie Ever Made

Hail, Hail, Euphoria! (2011)

Presenting the Marx Brothers in Duck Soup, the Greatest War Movie Ever Made

by Roy Blount Jr.

Publisher: It Books
(in English)

Subject: One Film > Duck Soup

Le Burlesque:ou la morale de la tarte à la crème

Le Burlesque (2007)4 stars

ou la morale de la tarte à la crème

by Petr Kràl

Publisher: Ramsay
(old edition)

Subject: Genre > Comedy/Humor

Leo McCarey:le burlesque des sentiments

Leo McCarey (1998)

le burlesque des sentiments

Dir. Bernard Bénoliel and Jean-François Rauger

Publisher: Mazzotta

Subject: Director > Leo McCarey

Le Burlesque:ou Morale de la tarte à la crème

Le Burlesque (1996)

ou Morale de la tarte à la crème

by Petr Kràl

Publisher: Ramsay
(old edition)

Subject: Genre > Comedy/Humor

Le Burlesque:ou Morale de la tarte à la crème

Le Burlesque (1984)

ou Morale de la tarte à la crème

by Petr Kràl

Publisher: Stock
(old edition)

Subject: Genre > Comedy/Humor

•  Stories (1 book)(0 book)

•  Screenplay (4 books)(0 book)

The Marx Brothers: Monkey Business, Duck Soup, and a Day at the Races

The Marx Brothers (1993)

Monkey Business, Duck Soup, and a Day at the Races

by Marx Brothers

Publisher: Faber & Faber
(in English)

Subject: One Film > Duck Soup, Monkey Business, A Day at the Races

Spécial Marx Brothers:Duck Soup - Monkey Business

Spécial Marx Brothers (1983)

Duck Soup - Monkey Business


Publisher: L'Avant-Scène Cinéma

Subject: One Film > Duck Soup, Monkey Business

The 4 Marx Brothers: Monkey Business - Duck Soup

The 4 Marx Brothers (1972)

Monkey Business - Duck Soup

by Marx Brothers

Publisher: Lorrimer
(in English)

Subject: One Film > Duck Soup, Monkey Business

•  Photos (2 books)(0 book)

Marx Bros.

Marx Bros. (2007)

by Douglas Keesey

Publisher: Taschen
(in English, French and German)

Subject: Actor > Marx Brothers

Boris Grinsson

Boris Grinsson (2006)

by Jean Segura

Publisher: Intemporel
(in French and English)

Subject: On Films > Posters

•  Writings (14 books)(4 books)

Marx Brothers: Pensées, maximes et anecdotes

Marx Brothers (2010)

Pensées, maximes et anecdotes

by Marx Brothers and Jérémie Gazeau

Publisher: Le Cherche Midi

Subject: Actor > Marx Brothers

Reniflard and Co : Un feuilleton inédit des Marx Brothers

Reniflard and Co (1989)4 stars

Un feuilleton inédit des Marx Brothers

by Marx Brothers

Publisher: Presses de la Renaissance

Subject: Actor > Marx Brothers

Flywheel, Shyster, and Flywheel:The Marx Brothers' Lost Radio Show

Flywheel, Shyster, and Flywheel (1988)

The Marx Brothers' Lost Radio Show

by Michael Barson

Publisher: Pantheon (USA)
(in English)

Subject: Actor > Marx Brothers

Why a Duck?

Why a Duck? (1972)

by Richard J. Anobile

Publisher: Avon Books
(in English)

Subject: Actor > Marx Brothers

•  Novel (2 books)(1 book)

Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.

23780 books listed   •   (c)2014-2024   •