Publisher: Jacques Flament - collection: (no collection) (5 books)

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•  Autobiographies (1 book)(0 book)

Blancan, journal d'un comédien: 2004-2006 : du footing aux palmes

Blancan, journal d'un comédien (2012)

2004-2006 : du footing aux palmes

by Bernard Blancan

Publisher: Jacques Flament
Collection: (no collection)

Subject: Actor > Bernard Blancan

•  Studies (4 books)(2 books)

Le bonsaï qui cache la forêt:Ozu, Mizoguchi, Naruse, Kurosawa

Le bonsaï qui cache la forêt (2023)

Ozu, Mizoguchi, Naruse, Kurosawa

by Alain Michel Jourdat

Publisher: Jacques Flament
Collection: (no collection)

Subject: Countries > Japan

Stranger Than Paradise : De 68 à aujourd'hui, le rêve américain revu et corrigé par son cinéma

Stranger Than Paradise (2012)

De 68 à aujourd'hui, le rêve américain revu et corrigé par son cinéma

by Fabian Maray

Publisher: Jacques Flament
Collection: (no collection)

Subject: Countries > United States

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Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.

23780 books listed   •   (c)2014-2024   •