Publisher: McFarland & Co - series: (non-series) (24 books)

See the series of this publisher

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•  Biographies (6)    •  Encyclopedias (6)    •  Films Reviews (1)    •  Studies (10)    •  Stories (1)

•  Biographies (0)    •  Encyclopedias (2)    •  Films Reviews (0)    •  Studies (2)    •  Stories (0)

•  Biographies (6 books)(0 book)

Theda Bara: A Biography of the Silent Screen Vamp, with a Filmography

Theda Bara (2012)

A Biography of the Silent Screen Vamp, with a Filmography

by Ronald Genini

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Actor > Theda Bara

Warren William: Magnificent Scoundrel of Pre-Code Hollywood

Warren William (2010)

Magnificent Scoundrel of Pre-Code Hollywood

by John Stangeland

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Actor > Warren William

William Powell: The Life And Films

William Powell (2006)

The Life And Films

by Roger Bryant

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Actor > William Powell

Yul Brynner: A Biography

Yul Brynner (2006)

A Biography

by Michelangelo Capua

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Actor > Yul Brynner

Kay Francis: A Passionate Life And Career

Kay Francis (2005)

A Passionate Life And Career

by Lynn Kear and John Rossman

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Actor > Kay Francis

Carole Landis: A Tragic Life In Hollywood

Carole Landis (2005)

A Tragic Life In Hollywood

by E.J. Fleming

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Actor > Carole Landis

•  Encyclopedias (6 books)(2 books)

Film Noir Guide: 745 Films of the Classic Era, 1940-1959

Film Noir Guide (2011)

745 Films of the Classic Era, 1940-1959

by Michael F. Keaney

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Genre > Detective movie

The Japanese Filmography: A Complete Reference to 209 Filmmakers and the Over 1250 Films Released in the United States, 1900-1994

The Japanese Filmography (2010)

A Complete Reference to 209 Filmmakers and the Over 1250 Films Released in the United States, 1900-1994

by Stuart Galbraith

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Countries > Japan

The First Hollywood Musicals: A Critical Filmography Of 171 Features, 1927 Through 1932

The First Hollywood Musicals (2004)

A Critical Filmography Of 171 Features, 1927 Through 1932

by Edwin M. Bradley

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Genre > Musicals

•  Films Reviews (1 book)(0 book)

Silent Films 1877-1996: A Critical Guide To 646 Movies

Silent Films 1877-1996 (2005)

A Critical Guide To 646 Movies

by Robert K. Klepper

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Silent Cinema

•  Studies (10 books)(2 books)

Films of the New French Extremity:Visceral Horror and National Identity

Films of the New French Extremity (2016)

Visceral Horror and National Identity

by Alexandra West

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Countries > France

In Search of La Grande Illusion:A Critical Appreciation of Jean Renoir's Elusive Masterpiece

In Search of La Grande Illusion (2013)

A Critical Appreciation of Jean Renoir's Elusive Masterpiece

by Nicholas Macdonald

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: One Film > Grand Illusion

John Woo: The Films

John Woo (2011)

The Films

by Kenneth E. Hall

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
2nd Revised edition
(in English)

Subject: Director > John Woo

Censoring Hollywood: Sex and Violence in Film and on the Cutting Room Floor

Censoring Hollywood (2011)

Sex and Violence in Film and on the Cutting Room Floor

by Aubrey Malone

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Studio > Hollywood

Pictures About Extremes: The Films of John Frankenheimer

Pictures About Extremes (2007)

The Films of John Frankenheimer

by Stephen B. Armstrong

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Director > John Frankenheimer

Zola and Film: Essays in the Art of Adaptation

Zola and Film (2005)

Essays in the Art of Adaptation

Dir. Anna Gural-Migdal and Robert Singer

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Technique > Adaptation

The Poe Cinema:A Critical Filmography of Theatrical Releases Based on the Works of Edgar Allan Poe

The Poe Cinema (2003)

A Critical Filmography of Theatrical Releases Based on the Works of Edgar Allan Poe

by Don G. Smith

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Genre > Fantasy

D.W. Griffith's Intolerance: Its Genesis and Its Vision

D.W. Griffith's Intolerance (2002)

Its Genesis and Its Vision

by William M. Drew

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
New edition
(in English)

Subject: One Film > Intolerance

The Poe Cinema:A Critical Filmography of Theatrical Releases Based on the Works of Edgar Allan Poe

The Poe Cinema (1998)

A Critical Filmography of Theatrical Releases Based on the Works of Edgar Allan Poe

by Don G. Smith

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(old edition)(in English)

Subject: Genre > Fantasy

•  Stories (1 book)(0 book)

Three Bad Men: John Ford, John Wayne, Ward Bond

Three Bad Men (2013)

John Ford, John Wayne, Ward Bond

by Scott Allen Nollen

Publisher: McFarland & Co
Series: (non-series)
(in English)

Subject: Director > John Ford

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Note: A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.

23964 books listed   •   (c)2014-2025   •