• Encyclopedias (11) • Dictionaries (1) • Essays (6) • Studies (53) • Stories (71) • Photos (24) • Didactic (1) • Novel (29)
• Encyclopedias (5) • Dictionaries (0) • Essays (3) • Studies (19) • Stories (31) • Photos (1) • Didactic (0) • Novel (13)
• Encyclopedias (11 books)(5 books)
Il était une fois Hollywood (2013)
Publisher: Flammarion
Glamour in a Golden Age (2011)
Movie Stars of the 1930s
Dir. Adrienne L. McLean
Publisher: Rutgers University Press
(in English)
Hollywood Les années 30 (1986)
Publisher: Compagnie Internationale du Livre (CIL)
Hollywood Les années 40 (1986)
Publisher: Compagnie Internationale du Livre (CIL)
Hollywood, 50 années de cinéma (1984)
Publisher: Pierre Bordas et Fils
• Dictionaries (1 book)(0 book)
• Essays (6 books)(3 books)
Hollywood, ville mirage (2020)
Publisher: Les éditions du Sonneur
Hollywood, ville mirage (1989)
Publisher: Ramsay
(old edition)
Hollywood, ville mirage (1936)
Publisher: Gallimard
(old edition)
• Studies (53 books)(19 books)
Hollywood s'en va en guerre (2023)
Publisher: Gallimard
Une esthétique hollywoodienne (2022)
Publisher: Hermann
Forbidden Hollywood (2019)
The Pre-Code Era (1930-1934): When Sin Ruled the Movies
Publisher: Running Press
(in English)
Hollywood, la norme et la marge (2016)
Genres, esthétiques et influences du cinéma hollywoodien (1930-1960)
Publisher: Armand Colin
The Collaboration (2013)
Hollywood's Pact With Hitler
by Ben Urwand
Publisher: The Belknap Press
(in English)
Hollywood and Hitler 1933-1939 (2013)
Publisher: Columbia University Press
(in English)
Censoring Hollywood (2011)
Sex and Violence in Film and on the Cutting Room Floor
Publisher: McFarland & Co
(in English)
Le classicisme hollywoodien (2009)
Dir. Jean-Loup Bourget and Jacqueline Nacache
Publisher: Presses universitaires de Rennes
Hollywood's Censor - Joseph I. Breen and the Production Code Administration (2009)
Publisher: Columbia University Press
(in English)
Hollywood Washington (2007)
Comment l'Amérique fait son cinéma
by Barthélémy Courmont and Erwan Benezet
Publisher: Armand Colin
Hollywood (2007)
Les fictions de l'exil
by Irène Bessière, Jacques Portes, Silvestra Mariniello and Jean-Loup Bourget
Publisher: Nouveau Monde
Le Royaume de leurs rêves (2007)
La saga des Juifs qui ont fondé Hollywood
by Neal Gabler
Publisher: Hachette Littératures
(old edition)
Hollywood, un rêve européen (2006)
Publisher: Armand Colin
Le Star system (2005)
Du cinéma hollywoodien classique (1930-1960) à sa renaissance dans les années 80
Publisher: Peter Lang (P.I.E.)
Le Film hollywoodien classique (2005)
Publisher: Armand Colin
Hollywood, la norme et la marge (2005)
Publisher: Armand Colin
(old edition)
Hollywood face à la censure (2005)
Discipline industrielle et innovation cinématographique 1915-2004
Publisher: CNRS
Le Royaume de leurs rêves (2005)
La Saga des Juifs qui ont fondé Hollywood
by Neal Gabler
Publisher: Calmann-Lévy
(old edition)
Dangerous Men (2002)
Pre-Code Hollywood and the Birth of the Modern Man
by Mick LaSalle
Publisher: St Martin's Press
(in English)
The Dark Mirror (2002)
German Cinema Between Hitler and Hollywood
Publisher: University of California Press
(in English)
Hollywood, la norme et la marge (2002)
Publisher: Nathan
(old edition)
Complicated Women (2001)
Sex and Power in Pre-Code Hollywood
by Mick LaSalle
Publisher: St Martin's Press
(in English)
Pre-Code Hollywood (1999)
Sex, Immorality, and Insurrection in American Cinema, 1930-1934
Publisher: Columbia University Press
(in English)
Hollywood, la norme et la marge (1998)
Publisher: Nathan
(old edition)
Techniques hollywoodiennes à succès (1995)
Dir. Paul Warren
Publisher: Presses universitaires de Laval
Hollywood, l'usine à rêves (1992)
by Christian-Marc Bosséno and Jacques Gerstenkorn
Publisher: Gallimard
Paris-Hollywood (1987)
Les français dans le cinéma américain
by Dominique Lebrun and Chantal Mermet
Publisher: Hazan
Frenchie goes to Hollywood (1987)
la France et les français dans le cinéma américain de 1929 à nos jours.
by Alain Servel
Publisher: Henri Veyrier
L'Amérique des stars (1976)
L'histoire, la mythologie et le rêve
Dir. Pierre-Jean Remy
Publisher: Cinéma d'aujourd'hui
Hollywood d'hier et d'aujourd'hui (1948)
Publisher: Prisma
• Stories (71 books)(31 books)
Moxie (2024)
The Daring Women of Classic Hollywood
by Ira M. Resnick and Raissa Bretaña
Publisher: Abbeville Press
(in English)
Hollywood, La Mecque du cinéma (2022)
suivi de : L'ABC du cinéma et de Une nuit dans la forêt
Publisher: Denoël
The Beginning or the End (2020)
How Hollywood - and America - Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Publisher: New Press
(in English)
The Castle on Sunset (2019)
Life, Death, Love, Art, and Scandal at Hollywood's Chateau Marmont
by Shawn Levy
Publisher: Doubleday
(in English)
Hollywood ne répond plus (2017)
Publisher: Baker Street
(old edition)
Génération Propaganda (2017)
L'histoire oubliée de ceux qui ont conquis Hollywood
Publisher: Playlist Society
Je me suis invité chez les stars à Hollywood (2016)
Publisher: La Boite à Pandore
L'Histoire noire du cinéma américain (2016)
Publisher: La Boite à Pandore
La face cachée d'Hollywood (2015)
Au-delà des films, un siècle de cupidité, de scandales et de corruption
Publisher: Modus Vivendi
Hollywood Connection (2013)
L'histoire vraie du crime organisé à Hollywood
by Michael Munn
Publisher: Vuibert
Full Service (2013)
Sexe, amours et secrets de stars à Hollywood
by Scotty Bowers and Lionel Friedberg
Publisher: Hugo & Cie
Hollywood Babylone (2013)
Publisher: Tristram
(old edition)
Les Plus Grands Scandales de l'histoire d'Hollywood (2012)
Les tricheurs, nymphomanes et agresseurs sexuels. Tome 1
Publisher: Lulu.com
Hollywood crime stories (2011)
Sexe, mensonges et violence dans le monde du cinéma
Publisher: First éditions
J.X. Williams (2010)
Les dossiers interdits
by Noël Lawrence and Jean-Emmanuel Deluxe
Publisher: Camion Blanc
The Genius of the System (2010)
Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era
Publisher: University of Minnesota Press
(in English)
Les Destins tragiques d'Hollywood (2005)
Publisher: France Loisirs
Hollywood, La Mecque du cinéma (2001)
suivi de : L'ABC du cinéma et de Une nuit dans la forêt
Publisher: Denoël
(old edition)
Easy Riders, Raging Bulls (1999)
How the Sex-drugs-and Rock 'n' Roll Generation Changed Hollywood by Biskind, Peter New Edition (1999)
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Les Destins tragiques du cinéma (1995)
Publisher: Hors Collection
(old edition)
Hollywood, désir de stars (1991)
Publisher: Messidor
Adieu Hollywood ! (1990)
40 ans de confidences et souvenirs inédits de 125 stars
Publisher: J.M. Collet
Hollywood, petite histoire d'un grand empire (1990)
by Nathalie Robatel and Catherine Temerson
Publisher: Eshel
Ciné-ville (1987)
Publisher: Gérard Lebovici
(old edition)
Amours et scandales à Hollywood (1985)
Publisher: Inter-livres
Hollywood Babylone (1977)
Publisher: Régine Deforges
(old edition)
Hollywood, La Mecque du cinéma (1936)
Publisher: Grasset
(old edition)
Ciné-ville (1928)
Publisher: Simon Kra
(old edition)
• Photos (24 books)(1 book)
Hollywood at Play (2017)
The Lives of the Stars Between Takes
by Stephen X. Sylvester, Mary Mallory and Donovan Brandt
Publisher: Lyons Press
(in English)
Hollywood en Kodachrome (2014)
by David Wills and Stephen Schmidt
Publisher: Éditions de La Martinière
Hollywood Cats (2014)
Photographs from the John Kobal Foundation
by Gareth Abbott and Simon Crocker
Publisher: Antique Collectors' Club
(in English)
Hollywood Unseen (2012)
Photographs from the John Kobal Foundation
by Robert Dance and John Kobal
Publisher: Antique Collectors' Club
(in English)
Hollywood Glamor Portraits (2011)
145 Photos of Stars, 1926-1949
by John Kobal
Publisher: Dover Publications
(in English)
Movie-Star Portraits of the Forties (2011)
163 Glamour Photos
by John Kobal
Publisher: Dover Publications
(in English)
Film-Star Portraits of the Fifties (2011)
163 Glamour Photos
by John Kobal
Publisher: Dover Publications
(in English)
The best of Hollywood (2006)
Les Stars de nos rêves
by Massimo Giraldi, Enrico Lancia and Fabio Melelli
Publisher: Gremese
Stars en liberté (2002)
Les plus belles photos de tournage
by Guillaume Clavières and Marc Brincourt
Publisher: Filipacchi
Hollywood portraits (2001)
Photographies de la collection Kobal
by Roger Hicks and Christopher Nisperos
Publisher: Proxima
Stars (1985)
Hollywood 1929-1939
Dir. Jean-Louis Capitaine and Balthazar J.M. Charton
Publisher: Optiques Hazan
• Didactic (1 book)(0 book)
Hollywood mode d'emploi (2011)
Publisher: France Europe
• Novel (29 books)(13 books)
Avant les diamants (2020)
Publisher: Éditions de La Martinière
(old edition)
Mystères à Hollywood (2017)
Publisher: Éditions du Net
Qu'est-ce qui fait courir Sammy ? (2005)
Publisher: 10-18
Qu'est-ce qui fait courir Sammy ? (2003)
Publisher: Mengès
(old edition)
Le Désenchanté (1991)
Publisher: Robert Laffont
(old edition)
Qu'est-ce qui fait courir Sammy ? (1960)
Publisher: J'ai lu
(old edition)
Le Désenchanté (1951)
Publisher: Robert Laffont
(old edition)
Qu'est-ce qui fait courir Sammy ? (1947)
Publisher: Robert Laffont
(old edition)
La Madone à Hollywood (1946)
Publisher: Baudinière
(old edition)
> Other books related to Hollywood:
Aventures d'un scénariste à Hollywood (2022)
Subject: Others persons > William Goldman
L'anarchie de l'imagination (2021)
Entretiens et interviews
by Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Michael Töteberg
Subject: Director > Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Lubitsch à Hollywood (2021)
L'exercice du pouvoir créatif dans les studios
by Katalin Por
Subject: Director > Ernst Lubitsch
Ça tourne mal à Hollywood ! (2020)
L'histoire méconnue et tumultueuse du cinéma américain
Esoteric Hollywood 2 (2018)
More Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film
by Jay Dyer
(in English)
Subject: Film Analysis
Ainsi naquit Hollywood (2018)
Avant l'âge d'or, les ambitions de la Triangle et des premiers studios
by Marc Vernet
Subject: Silent Cinema
The Man Who Made the Movies (2017)
The Meteoric Rise and Tragic Fall of William Fox
by Vanda Krefft
(in English)
Subject: Others persons > William Fox
Hollywood et le rêve américain (2017)
Cinéma et idéologie aux États-Unis
Subject: Countries > United States
Les Indomptables (2017)
Subject: Actor > Lana Turner, Ava Gardner, Grace Kelly, Lena Horne
Twentieth Century Fox (2017)
A Century of Entertainment
by Michael Troyan, Stephen X. Sylvester and Jeffrey Paul Thompson
(in English)
Subject: Studio > 20th Century Fox
Esoteric Hollywood (2016)
Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film
by Jay Dyer
(in English)
Subject: Film Analysis
Une histoire du cinéma américain (2016)
Stratégies, révolutions et mutations au XXe siècle
by Joël Augros and Kira Kitsopanidou
Subject: Economy
B Movies (2015)
An informal survey of the American low-budget film 1933-1945
by Don Miller
(in English)
Creating the Illusion (2015)
A Fashionable History of Hollywood Costume Designers
by Jay Jorgensen and Donald L. Scoggins
(in English)
Les subversifs hollywoodiens (2015)
L'esprit critique du cinéma grand public
Subject: Countries > United States
Les Conquérants d'un nouveau monde (2015)
Essai sur le cinéma hollywoodien
Subject: Countries > United States
Cecil B. Demille (2014)
The Art of the Hollywood Epic
by Cecilia DeMille Presley and Mark A. Vieira
(in English)
Subject: Director > Cecil B. DeMille
Warner Bros. (2014)
Hollywood's Ultimate Backlot
by Steven Bingen
(in English)
Subject: Studio > Warner Bros
Joan Blondell (2014)
A Life Between Takes
by Matthew Kennedy
(in English)
Subject: Actor > Joan Blondell
100 Years of Brodies with Hal Roach (2014)
The Jaunty Journeys of a Hollywood Motion Picture and Television Pioneer
by Craig Calman
(in English)
Subject: Studio > Hal Roach Studios
Le royaume de leurs rêves (2014)
La saga des juifs qui ont fondé Hollywood
by Neal Gabler
Subject: History of Cinema
Loin d'Hollywood ? (2013)
Cinématographies nationales et modèle hollywoodien : France, Allemagne, URSS, Chine 1925-1935
Dir. Christophe Gauthier, Anne Kerlan and Dimitri Vezyroglou
Subject: History of Cinema
Showmen, Sell It Hot! (2013)
Movies As Merchandise in Golden Era Hollywood
by John McElwee
(in English)
Subject: Economy
Comment réussir (ou presque) à Hollywood (2013)
Les conseils du plus mauvais cinéaste de l'histoire
by Ed Wood
Les trois reines d'Hollywood (2013)
Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe
Subject: Actor > Greta Garbo, Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich
Le Cinéma américain face à ses mythes (2012)
Une foi incrédule
Dir. Christian Gutleben
Subject: Countries > United States
Lion of Hollywood (2012)
The Life and Legend of Louis B. Mayer
by Scott Eyman
(in English)
Subject: Others persons > Louis B. Mayer
Hollywood et le rêve américain (2012)
Cinéma et idéologie aux Etats-Unis
Subject: Countries > United States
Hollywood Movie Stills (2012)
Art and Technique in the Golden Age of the Studios
by Joel W. Finler
(in English)
Subject: On Films > On Set Photos
Mary Pickford (2011)
Canada's Silent Siren, America's Sweetheart
by Peggy Dymond Leavey
(in English)
Subject: Actor > Mary Pickford
Silent Visions (2011)
Discovering Early Hollywood and New York Through the Films of Harold Lloyd
by John Bengston
(in English)
Subject: Actor > Harold LLoyd
Le Cinéma, l'art d'une civilisation 1920-1960 (2011)
Dir. Daniel Banda and José Moure
Subject: History of Cinema
De Budapest à Hollywood (2011)
Le théâtre hongrois et le cinéma hollywoodien 1930-1943
by Katalin Por
Subject: History of Cinema
Edith Head (2010)
The Fifty-Year Career of Hollywood's Greatest Costume Designer
by Jay Jorgensen
(in English)
Subject: Others persons > Edith Head
Hollywood, le Pentagone et le monde (2010)
Les trois acteurs d'une stratégie globale
Subject: Countries > United States
Irving Thalberg (2009)
Boy Wonder to Producer Prince
by Mark A. Vieira
(in English)
Subject: Others persons > Irving Thalberg
Box-office (2009)
la biographie du producteur le plus déjanté d'Hollywood
Subject: Others persons > Don Simpson
Victor Fleming (2008)
An American Movie Master
by Michael Sragow
(in English)
Subject: Director > Victor Fleming
You Must Remember This (2008)
The Warner Bros. Story
by Richard Schickel and George Perry
(in English)
Subject: Studio > Warner Bros
Le Nouvel Hollywood (2008)
Coppola, Lucas, Scorsese, Spielberg... la révolution d'une génération
Subject: Countries > United States
Revoir Hollywood (2007)
La nouvelle critique anglo-américaine
Dir. Noël Burch
Subject: On Films > Movie reviews
Le Cinéma des années Reagan (2007)
Un modèle hollywoodien ?
Dir. Frédéric Gimello-Mesplomb
Subject: Countries > United States
A History of the Hal Roach Studios (2006)
by Richard Lewis Ward
(in English)
Subject: Studio > Hal Roach Studios
Les peurs de Hollywood (2006)
Phobies sociales dans le cinéma fantastique américain
Subject: Sociology
Silent Traces (2006)
Discovering Early Hollywood Through the Films of Charlie Chaplin
by John Bengston
(in English)
Subject: Director > Charlie Chaplin
Kay Francis (2005)
A Passionate Life And Career
by Lynn Kear and John Rossman
(in English)
Subject: Actor > Kay Francis
Encyclopédie du cinéma ringard (2004)
Le cinéma de bazar et d'essais
Les Européens dans le cinéma américain (2004)
Emigration et exil
Dir. Irène Bessière and Roger Odin
Subject: History of Cinema
Le star-système hollywoodien (2004)
suivi de Marilyn Monroe et la sexualité
by Richard Dyer and Paul McDonald
Subject: Sociology
The Golden Girls of Mgm (2003)
Greta Garbo, Joan Crawford, Lana Turner, Judy Garland, Ava Gardner, Grace Kelly, and Others
by Jane Wayne
(in English)
The Star Makers (2003)
On Set With Hollywood's Greatest Directors
by Bob Willoughby
(in English)
Subject: On Films > On Set Photos
Hollywood, le Pentagone et Washington (2003)
les trois acteurs d'une stratégie globale
Subject: Countries > United States
Hollywood (2003)
A Journey Through the Stars
by Bob Willoughby
(in English)
Subject: On Films > On Set Photos
Hollywood's Golden Age (2003)
As Told by One Who Lived It
by Edward Dmytryk
(in English)
Subject: Director > Edward Dmytryk
American Gangster Cinema (2002)
From Little Caesar to Pulp Fiction
by Fran Mason
(in English)
Subject: Genre > Detective movie
France / Hollywood (2002)
Echanges cinématographiques et identités nationales
Dir. Martin Barnier and Raphaëlle Moine
Subject: Economy
L'Asie à Hollywood (2001)
Dir. Charles Tesson, Claudine Paquot and Roger Garcia
Hollywood à l'écran (2000)
Essai de poétique historique des films: l'exemple des métafilms américains
Subject: Countries > United States
Tous les chemins mènent à Hollywood - Michael Curtiz (2000)
by René Noizet
Subject: Director > Michael Curtiz
Sam Peckinpah (2000)
un réalisateur dans le système hollywoodien des années 60 et 70
by Gérard Camy
Subject: Director > Sam Peckinpah
Silent Echoes (2000)
Discovering Early Hollywood Through the Films of Buster Keaton
by John Bengston
(in English)
Subject: Director > Buster Keaton
Mary Pickford rediscovered (1999)
Rare pictures of a Hollywood legend
by Kevin Brownlow
(in English)
Subject: Actor > Mary Pickford
Grand Design, 1930–1939 (1996)
History of American Cinema vol.5
by Tino Balio
(in English)
Subject: History of Cinema
Les Communistes de Hollywood (1995)
autre chose que des martyrs
by Thom Andersen and Noël Burch
Subject: History of Cinema
A Woman's View (1993)
How Hollywood Spoke to Women, 1930-1960
by Jeanine Basinger
(in English)
Subject: Sociology
Hollywood, 1927-1941 (1991)
La propagande par les rêves ou le triomphe du modèle américain
Dir. Alain Masson
Subject: History of Cinema
Cinémas métis (1990)
De Hollywood aux films beurs
Dir. Guy Hennebelle and Roland Schneider
Subject: Sociology
Femmes fatales (1988)
séductrices d'Hollywood
by Raymond Boyer and Olivier Schwengler
Subject: Countries > United States
King Vidor (1988)
interviewed by Nancy Dowd and David Shepard
by Nancy Dowd and David Shepard
(in English)
Subject: Director > King Vidor
L'Anarchie de l'imagination (1987)
Entretiens et interviews
by Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Michael Töteberg
Subject: Director > Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Souvenirs d'Hollywood (1986)
Affiches du cinéma américain, 1925-1950
by Serge Zreik and Florence Zreik
L'Affiche de cinéma (1983)
Les plus belles stars d'Hollywood
Douglas Fairbanks (1980)
ou La nostalgie de Hollywood
by Charles Ford
Subject: Actor > Douglas Fairbanks
Le cinéma américain d'aujourd'hui (1975)
by Théodore Louis and Jean Pigeon
Subject: Countries > United States
Histoire générale du cinéma 6 (1975)
L'art muet 1919-1929 (2. Hollywood, la fin du muet)
Subject: History of Cinema
A Short Time for Insanity (1974)
an Autobiography
by William A. Wellman
(in English)
Subject: Director > William A. Wellman
The Man Who Invented Hollywood (1972)
The Autobiography of D.W. Griffith
by David W. Griffith
(in English)
Subject: Director > David W. Griffith
Deux ans dans les studios américains (1926)
illustré de 150 dessins de Joë Hamman
Subject: Silent Cinema
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.