books sorted from newest to oldest
Le Cinéma des années Reagan (2007)
Un modèle hollywoodien ?
Dir. Frédéric Gimello-Mesplomb
Publisher: Nouveau Monde
Subject: Countries > United States
Kiyoshi Kurosawa (2007)
Mémoire de la disparition
by Diane Arnaud
Publisher: Rouge Profond
Subject: Director > Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Arts plastiques et cinéma (2007)
Dir. Sébastien Denis
Publisher: Charles Corlet
Subject: Technique > Aesthetics
Nuit et Brouillard (2007)
Un film dans l'histoire
Publisher: Odile Jacob
Subject: One Film > Night and Fog
Le Cinéma de Gainsbourg... affirmatif ! (2007)
by Philippe Crocq, Alain-Guy Aknin and Serge Vincendet
Publisher: Éditions du Rocher
Subject: Director > Serge Gainsbourg
La France (2007)
Dir. Michelle Humbert and Cyril Neyrat
Publisher: Capricci
Subject: On Films > Film selections
Pride and Prejudice (2007)
by Jean Dixsaut and Elise Domenach
Publisher: Atlande
Subject: One Film > Pride & Prejudice
Impureté(s) cinématographique(s) (2007)
Dir. Alphonse Cugier and Patrick Louguet
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Subject: Theory
Le style dans le cinéma documentaire (2007)
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Subject: Genre > Documentary
Le Royaume de leurs rêves (2007)
La saga des Juifs qui ont fondé Hollywood
by Neal Gabler
Publisher: Hachette Littératures
(old edition)
Hiroshima mon amour (2007)
by Luc Lagier
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
Subject: One Film > Hiroshima mon amour
L'Image d'après (2007)
Le cinéma dans l'imaginaire de la photographie
Dir. Diane Dufour and Serge Toubiana
Publisher: La Cinémathèque française
Subject: Technique > Aesthetics
L'Amérique de John Ford (2007)
Autour de La prisonnière du désert
by Luc Vancheri
Publisher: Céfal
Subject: One Film > The Searchers
Abel Ferrara (2006)
Publisher: University of Illinois Press
(in English)
Subject: Director > Abel Ferrara
Le Cinématographe (2006)
Cahiers Georges Perec 9
Publisher: Le Castor astral
Subject: Others persons > Georges Perec
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.