• Biographies (1) • Essays (1) • Studies (5) • Interviews (5) • Screenplay (1)
• Biographies (1) • Essays (1) • Studies (2) • Interviews (0) • Screenplay (1)
• Biographies (1 book)(1 book)
Steven Soderbergh (2025)
volume 1: Les années analogiques
by Christophe Chabert and Frédéric Mercier
Publisher: Marest
Subject: Director > Steven Soderbergh
• Essays (1 book)(1 book)
Steven Soderbergh (2021)
anatomie des fluides
Publisher: Playlist Society
Subject: Director > Steven Soderbergh
• Studies (5 books)(2 books)
The Cinema of Steven Soderbergh (2013)
Indie Sex, Corporate Lies, and Digital Videotape
by Andrew Dewaard and Colin Tait
Publisher: Columbia University Press
(in English)
Subject: Director > Steven Soderbergh
Steven Soderbergh (2011)
by Aaron Baker
Publisher: University of Illinois Press
(in English)
Subject: Director > Steven Soderbergh
Décadrages 16-17 (2011)
Les abîmes de l'adaptation
Dir. Alain Boillat and François Bovier
Publisher: Décadrages
Subject: Technique > Adaptation
3 exemples du cinéma américain (2010)
D. Aronofsky, S. Coppola, S. Soderbergh: Le montage de l'indicible
by Rémi Pietka
Publisher: Éditions Universitaires Europeennes
Subject: Countries > United States
Les Six Samouraïs (2007)
Hollywood somnolait, ils l'ont réveillé !
Publisher: Calmann-Lévy
Subject: Countries > United States
• Interviews (5 books)(0 book)
Leçons de cinéma (2020)
Masterclasses des plus grands réalisateurs
Publisher: Nouveau Monde
Subject: Director
Steven Soderbergh (2018)
Publisher: University Press of Mississippi
(in English)
Subject: Director > Steven Soderbergh
Steven Soderbergh (2002)
Dir. Anthony Kaufman
Publisher: University Press of Mississippi
(in English)
Subject: Director > Steven Soderbergh
• Screenplay (1 book)(1 book)
Erin Brockovich (2012)
seule contre tous
Publisher: Pocket
(in French and English)
Subject: One Film > Erin Brockovich
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.