Sur un thème proche :

Movie-Star Portraits of the Forties: 163 Glamour Photos

Movie-Star Portraits of the Forties (2011)

163 Glamour Photos

de John Kobal
(en anglais)

Sujet : Studio > Hollywood

Film-Star Portraits of the Fifties:163 Glamour Photos

Film-Star Portraits of the Fifties (2011)

163 Glamour Photos

de John Kobal
(en anglais)

Sujet : Studio > Hollywood

The Star Makers: On Set With Hollywood's Greatest Directors

The Star Makers (2003)

On Set With Hollywood's Greatest Directors

de Bob Willoughby
(en anglais)

Sujet : Les Films > Photos de tournage

Riviera cocktail:Côte d'Azur et jet set of the 1950s

Riviera cocktail (2021)

Côte d'Azur et jet set of the 1950s

de Edward Quinn
(en anglais)

Sujet : Les Films > Photos de tournage

Terry O'Neill: The A-Z of Fame

Terry O'Neill (2013)

The A-Z of Fame

de Terry O'Neill
(en anglais)

Sujet : Les Films > Photos de tournage

Celebrity: The Photographs of Terry O'Neill

Celebrity (2003)

The Photographs of Terry O'Neill

de Terry O'Neill
(en anglais)

Sujet : Les Films > Photos de tournage

Styling the Stars: Lost Treasures from the Twentieth Century Fox Archive

Styling the Stars (2014)

Lost Treasures from the Twentieth Century Fox Archive

de Angela Cartwright et Tom McLaren
(en anglais)

Sujet : Studio > 20th Century Fox

All about Eve

The photography of Eve Arnold (livre en anglais)

de Eve Arnold

Les FilmsPhotos de tournage
Mots Clés
photos, stars, glamour
Année d'édition
(hors collection)
Taille d'un livre de poche 11x18cmTaille relative de ce livreTaille d'un grand livre (29x22cm)
Taille du livre
Relié • 216 pages • 45,00 €
23,5 x 29 cm
pas d'appréciation (0 vote)

Moyenne des votes : pas d'appréciation

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0 vote 2 étoiles = Bon livre
0 vote 3 étoiles = Excellent livre
0 vote 4 étoiles = Unique / une référence

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À propos de l'auteur :
Eve Arnold was born in 1912 to Russian immigrant parents in Philadelphia. With experience in photography processing and little formal training, she joined Magnum Photos in New York in the 1950s as one of the first female photographers at the agency. From there she began a long and diverse career, during which she photographed life in the US, Britain, USSR, Afghanistan and China, and people from children and manual labourers to heads of state and film stars such as Marilyn Monroe. She produced picture assignments for magazines internationally, published books and exhibited worldwide. A blend of curiosity, discipline and morale courage would characterise her career which never settled for clichés or stereotypes. Guided in her own words, this retrospective of Arnold's work makes her 100th birthday and features some of her iconic photographs alongside main never-before published images.

Voir le site internet de l'éditeur teNeues

> Du même auteur :

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