Joseph L. Mankiewicz

Interviews (livre en anglais)


Entretiens et Interviews
RéalisateurJoseph L. Mankiewicz
Mots Clés
Joseph L. Mankiewicz, entretiens
Année d'édition
University Press of Mississippi
Conversations with Filmmakers
Taille d'un livre de poche 11x18cmTaille relative de ce livreTaille d'un grand livre (29x22cm)
Taille du livre
Broché • 250 pages • 25,57 €
16,5 x 23 cm
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Description de l'ouvrage :
Talks with the master director of such classics as All About Eve, The Barefoot Contessa, and Cleopatra

This book
- collects interviews with the director of American classics such as All About Eve, Guys and Dolls, Cleopatra, The Barefoot Contessa, and Julius Caesar
- includes interviews from a broad range of American and European periodicals, including a Positif interview that has never before appeared in English
- expands the Conversations with Filmmakers Series.

Description de l'ouvrage :
Joseph L. Mankiewicz: Interviews features talks with the master director of such classics as All About Eve, The Barefoot Contessa, and Cleopatra. Mankiewicz (1909-1993) was a creative force in Hollywood from the end of the silent film era through the early years of the Hollywood renaissance of the 1970s.

Displaying the wit, insight, and daring that were the hallmarks of his movies, Mankiewicz explores his films and his approach to writing and directing. These interviews span the period from his greatest Hollywood triumphs-he won four Oscars in two years-to just shortly before his death in 1993. From the time he arrived in 1929 through his last film Sleuth in 1972, he had a front-row seat to Hollywood history.

This volume offers a hard-to-find, wide-ranging discussion between Mankiewicz and Gary Carey. A Michel Ciment interview appears here in English for the first time. The book will become a welcome resource for admirers of Mankiewicz and his work as well as those interested in the history of classic Hollywood.

A writer based in Brooklyn, Brian Dauth has published in Senses of Cinema and MR Zine.

Voir le site internet de l'éditeur University Press of Mississippi

Voir la filmographie complète de Joseph L. Mankiewicz sur le site IMDB ...

> Livres ayant un titre identique ou proche :

Joseph L. Mankiewicz: Biographie, filmographie illustrée, analyse critique

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Biographie, filmographie illustrée, analyse critique

de Patrick Brion

Sujet : Réalisateur > Joseph L. Mankiewicz

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Un livre sur fond de couleur beige est un livre édité dans une autre langue que le français.

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