Sur un thème proche :

Hollywood Before Glamour: Fashion in American Silent Film

Hollywood Before Glamour (2013)

Fashion in American Silent Film

de Michelle Tolini Finamore
(en anglais)

Sujet : Cinéma muet

Silent Lives: 100 Biographies of the Silent Film Era

Silent Lives (2008)

100 Biographies of the Silent Film Era

de Lon Davis
(en anglais)

Sujet : Cinéma muet

Cosette Harcourt:un studio de légende

Cosette Harcourt (2018)

un studio de légende

de Guillaume Evin

Sujet : Pays > France

Stars au féminin:Naissance, apogée et décadence du star-system

Stars au féminin (2000)

Naissance, apogée et décadence du star-system

Dir. Jean-Loup Passek

Sujet : Histoire du cinéma

Silent Stars

(livre en anglais)

de Jeanine Basinger

Cinéma muet
Mots Clés
cinéma muet, stars, acteurs, actrices
Année d'édition
Wesleyan University Press
(hors collection)
Taille d'un livre de poche 11x18cmTaille relative de ce livreTaille d'un grand livre (29x22cm)
Taille du livre
Broché • 510 pages
18 x 23,5 cm
pas d'appréciation (0 vote)

Moyenne des votes : pas d'appréciation

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0 vote 3 étoiles = Excellent livre
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Description de l'ouvrage :
Film scholar Jeanine Basinger offers a revelatory, perceptive, and highly readable look at the greatest silent film stars -- not those few who are fully appreciated and understood, like Chaplin, Keaton, Gish, and Garbo, but those who have been misrepresented, unfairly dismissed, or forgotten. Included are Valentino, "the Sheik," who was hardly the effeminate lounge lizard he's been branded; Mary Pickford, who couldn't have been further from the adorable little creature with golden ringlets that was her film persona; Marion Davies, unfairly pilloried in Citizen Kane; the original "Phantom" and "Hunchback," Lon Chaney; the beautiful Talmadge sisters, Norma and Constance. Here are the great divas, Pola Negri and Gloria Swanson; the great flappers, Colleen Moore and Clara Bow; the great cowboys, William S. Hart and Tom Mix; and the great lover, John Gilbert. Basinger also includes the quintessential slapstick comedienne, Mabel Normand, with her Keystone Kops; the quintessential all-American hero, Douglas Fairbanks; and, of course, the quintessential all-American dog, Rin-Tin-Tin.

Présentation Amazon :
Through concise biographies, explorations of filmographies, and captivating still shots, Jeanine Basinger offers remarkable insight into both the on- and offscreen lives of the cinema's first stars. Basinger shows an incredible knack for getting past the average movie fan's barriers to appreciating silent film actors: the larger-than-life acting style, frequently goofy plots, and general difficulty in finding films of all but a few luminaries like Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. Deft plot synopses, careful explanations of the skills needed for silent acting, and a genuine affection for the movies she's describing allow Basinger to give the reader a real sense of why these early actors were so beloved--and why they are so deserving of tribute. Mary Pickford, long unfairly maligned for playing saccharine little girls, is revealed to be a shrewd and highly professional performer, involved in every aspect of film production, careful to expand beyond her audience's expectations of her, and possessing deft comic flair. The lives and careers of two silent cowboys, the soulfully stoic William S. Hart and the flamboyant Tom Mix, are also compared and contrasted--oddly enough, to the detriment of neither. The book also covers the great sex symbols like Pola Negri and Rudolph Valentino and takes a welcome dive into the comedies of Mack Sennett. Equally engaging as browsing material or a cover-to-cover read, Silent Stars gives voice to both the sung and unsung pioneers of film. --Ali Davis

Revue de Presse :
From Publishers Weekly : Rudolph Valentino, Gloria Swanson, Tom Mix and dozens of others are the "forgotten, misunderstood, and underappreciated" stars whom film historian Basinger (A Woman's View, etc.) profiles in her excellent tribute to the silent film era. No tell-all, this book recreates the excitement the actors provoked while illustrating the nature of their appeal. Colleen Moore's onscreen transformation from maiden to flapper "is the exact story of what happened to the American girl" in the 1920s; tight-lipped William S. Hart provided the "first and truest face in the Old American West on film." Basinger also discerns the strengths lost in historical caricature: Mary Pickford's roles revealed a range far beyond that of "America's Sweetheart"; Marion Davies's successful career belies her legacy as inspiration for the off-key singer Susan Alexander in Citizen Kane. Not surprisingly, a recurrent theme is the ephemerality of fame. Not only do most silent stars' careers (famously, John Gilbert's) end with the talkies, but the near-obscurity of these actors today suggests that, for anyone, it's a mere four generations from footlight to footnote. While Basinger's blend of erudition and reportage often translates into an impersonal style, it is redeemed by her love of the subject and a Margaret Dumont-like lack of irony that allows her to assert, "The astonishing thing about watching Rin-Tin-Tin is that you begin to agree that this dog could act." Learned and wholehearted, the book is classic Basinger fare: effortless history that sets no fires but quickly establishes its necessity. 285 photos. Main selection of Eagle Book Club's Movie and Entertainment Book Club. Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Voir le site internet de l'éditeur Wesleyan University Press

> Du même auteur :

I Do and I Don't: A History of Marriage in the Movies

I Do and I Don't (2014)

A History of Marriage in the Movies

de Jeanine Basinger
(en anglais)

Sujet : Sociologie

The Star Machine

The Star Machine (2009)

de Jeanine Basinger
(en anglais)

Sujet : Studio > Hollywood

A Woman's View:How Hollywood Spoke to Women, 1930-1960

A Woman's View (1993)

How Hollywood Spoke to Women, 1930-1960

de Jeanine Basinger
(en anglais)

Sujet : Sociologie

Nota : Un livre sur fond légèrement grisé est un livre qui n'est plus actuellement édité ou qui peut être difficile à trouver en librairie. Le prix mentionné est celui de l'ouvrage à sa sortie, le prix sur le marché de l'occasion peut être très différent.
Un livre sur fond de couleur beige est un livre édité dans une autre langue que le français.

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