See the collections / series of this publisher
• Biographies (5) • Autobiographies (2) • Encyclopedias (1) • Films Reviews (1) • Studies (4) • Interviews (1) • Stories (11) • Screenplay (6) • Writings (2) • Novel (3) • Adapted novel (1)
• Biographies (5) • Autobiographies (1) • Encyclopedias (0) • Films Reviews (0) • Studies (2) • Interviews (1) • Stories (0) • Screenplay (0) • Writings (2) • Novel (2) • Adapted novel (0)
• Biographies (5 books)(5 books)
Daniel Day-Lewis (2024)
ou le virtuose de la démesure - Une biographie
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Document
Subject: Actor > Daniel Day-Lewis
Clint Eastwood, un rebelle américain (2013)
by Marc Eliot
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Biographie
Subject: Director > Clint Eastwood
Patrick Dewaere, une vie (2012)
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Biographie
Subject: Actor > Patrick Dewaere
Jean Dujardin (2012)
Du café-théâtre aux Oscars, itinéraire d'un gars normal
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Biographie
Subject: Actor > Jean Dujardin
François Berléand (2007)
Petite conversation entre amis
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Document
Subject: Actor > François Berléand
• Autobiographies (2 books)(1 book)
Mon cinéma, de cannes à Canal + (2011)
Itinéraire d'un distributeur gâté
by René Bonnell
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Document
Subject: Others persons > René Bonnell
Le Petit Invité (1989)
Publisher: Balland
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
• Encyclopedias (1 book)(0 book)
Les Classiques du cinéma fantastique (1973)
Publisher: Balland
Collection: (no collection)
• Films Reviews (1 book)(0 book)
Cinéballand (2004)
tous les films de l'année - édition 2004
Dir. Marie Marvier
Publisher: Balland
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: On Films > The Cinema Annual
• Studies (4 books)(2 books)
Les Voitures de légende au cinéma (2011)
by Karine Ferri
Publisher: Balland
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: General
Putain de film ! (2006)
Petit inventaire des accroches publicitaires sur les affiches de films
Les Délateurs (1982)
le cinéma américain et la chasse aux sorcières
Publisher: Balland
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Magie lumineuse (1979)
by Jac Remise, Pascale Remise and Régis Van de Walle
Publisher: Balland
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: History of Cinema
• Interviews (1 book)(1 book)
Silence (2017)
by Martin Scorsese and Antonio Spadaro
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Document
Subject: Director > Martin Scorsese
• Stories (11 books)(0 book)
Ciné Jeux (1984)
by Jacques Mazeau, Bernard Oudin and Didier Thouart
Publisher: Balland
Collection: (no collection)
Judy Garland (1981)
by Mary Kepler
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Les plus belles histoires d'amour de Hollywood
Subject: Actor > Judy Garland
Marilyn Monroe (1981)
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Les plus belles histoires d'amour de Hollywood
Subject: Actor > Marilyn Monroe
Gary Cooper (1981)
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Les plus belles histoires d'amour de Hollywood
Subject: Actor > Gary Cooper
James Dean (1981)
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Les plus belles histoires d'amour de Hollywood
Subject: Actor > James Dean
Frank Sinatra (1981)
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Les plus belles histoires d'amour de Hollywood
Subject: Actor > Frank Sinatra
Humphrey Bogart (1981)
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Les plus belles histoires d'amour de Hollywood
Subject: Actor > Humphrey Bogart
Marlène Dietrich (1981)
by John Hampton
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Les plus belles histoires d'amour de Hollywood
Subject: Actor > Marlene Dietrich
Clark Gable (1981)
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Les plus belles histoires d'amour de Hollywood
Subject: Actor > Clark Gable
Ava Gardner (1981)
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Les plus belles histoires d'amour de Hollywood
Subject: Actor > Ava Gardner
La Grande Illusion (1974)
by Jean Renoir
Publisher: Balland
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: One Film > Grand Illusion
• Screenplay (6 books)(0 book)
La Belle et la Bête (1975)
by Jean Cocteau
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Bibliothèque des classiques du cinéma
Subject: One Film > Beauty and the Beast
À bout de souffle (1974)
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Bibliothèque des classiques du cinéma
Subject: One Film > Breathless
Les Enfants du paradis (1974)
by Marcel Carné and Jacques Prévert
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Bibliothèque des classiques du cinéma
Subject: One Film > Children of Paradise
Drôle de drame (1974)
by Marcel Carné
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Bibliothèque des classiques du cinéma
Subject: One Film > Bizarre Bizarre
Les Visiteurs du soir (1974)
by Marcel Carné
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Bibliothèque des classiques du cinéma
Subject: One Film > Les Visiteurs du soir
La Grande illusion (1974)
by Jean Renoir
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Bibliothèque des classiques du cinéma
Subject: One Film > Grand Illusion
• Writings (2 books)(2 books)
Dialogue sur la Foi (2024)
by Martin Scorsese and Antonio Spadaro
Publisher: Balland
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Martin Scorsese
Carnet de survie (2009)
by Roger Hanin
Publisher: Balland
Collection: Document
Subject: Actor > Roger Hanin
• Novel (3 books)(2 books)
Färö (2019)
une nuit avec Ingmar Bergman
Publisher: Balland
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Ingmar Bergman
Vengeance (1983)
by Leslie Caron
Publisher: Balland
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Actor > Leslie Caron
• Adapted novel (1 book)(0 book)
Le décalogue (1991)
by Krzysztof Kieslowski and Krzysztof Piesewicz
Publisher: Balland
Collection: (no collection)
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Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.