Studies (6581 books)

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Les Séries TV:Mondes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui

Les Séries TV (2011)

Mondes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui

by Ioanis Deroide

Publisher: Ellipses

Subject: Genre > TV Series

Far From Heaven

Far From Heaven (2011)

by John Gill

Publisher: BFI Publishing
(in English)

Subject: One Film > Far from Heaven

Lacan regarde le cinéma: Le cinéma regarde Lacan

Lacan regarde le cinéma (2011)

Le cinéma regarde Lacan

by Jacques-Alain Miller

Publisher: La Cause Freudienne

Subject: Sociology

Habiter le monde: Eloge du poétique dans le cinéma du réel

Habiter le monde (2011)4 stars

Eloge du poétique dans le cinéma du réel

by Corinne Maury

Publisher: Yellow Now

Subject: Theory


L'image (2011)3 stars

by Jacques Aumont

Publisher: Armand Colin
(old edition)

Subject: Theory

Masculinité à Hollywood: De Marlon Brando à Will Smith

Masculinité à Hollywood (2011)

De Marlon Brando à Will Smith

by Noëlle de Chambrun

Publisher: L'Harmattan

Subject: Sociology

Le Cinéma de science-fiction: Histoire et philosophie

Le Cinéma de science-fiction (2011)

Histoire et philosophie

by Eric Dufour

Publisher: Armand Colin

Subject: Genre > Science fiction

Stanley Kubrick: Une odyssée philosophique

Stanley Kubrick (2011)4 stars

Une odyssée philosophique

by Sam Azulys

Publisher: Éditions de la Transparence

Subject: Director > Stanley Kubrick

La Pensée cartographique des images : Cinéma et culture visuelle

La Pensée cartographique des images (2011)4 stars

Cinéma et culture visuelle

by Teresa Castro

Publisher: Aléas

Subject: History of Cinema

La Ricotta : Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1963

La Ricotta (2011)

Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1963

by Xavier Vert

Publisher: Aléas

Subject: One Film > Ro.Go.Pa.G.

Tough As Nails:The Life and Films of Richard Brooks

Tough As Nails (2011)

The Life and Films of Richard Brooks

by Douglass K. Daniel

Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press
(in English)

Subject: Director > Richard Brooks

De l'autre côté du tiroir:Catalogue déraisonné

De l'autre côté du tiroir (2011)

Catalogue déraisonné

by Olivier Smolders

Publisher: Yellow Now

Subject: Director > Olivier Smolders

Brutal Intimacy:Analyzing Contemporary French Cinema

Brutal Intimacy (2011)

Analyzing Contemporary French Cinema

by Tim Palmer

Publisher: Wesleyan University Press
(in English)

Subject: Countries > France

Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.

23804 books listed   •   (c)2014-2025   •