books sorted from newest to oldest
French cinema in the 1970S (2005)
The echoes of May
by Alison Smith
Publisher: Manchester University Press
(in English)
Claire Denis (2005)
by Judith Mayne
Publisher: University of Illinois Press
(in English)
Subject: Director > Claire Denis
Wong Kar-Wai (2005)
Publisher: University of Illinois Press
(in English)
Subject: Director > Wong Kar-wai
Edward Yang (2005)
Publisher: University of Illinois Press
(in English)
Subject: Director > Edward Yang
Cinémas d'Amérique latine n°13 (2005)
Publisher: Presses universitaires de Toulouse-Le Mirail
Subject: Countries > South America
Hollywood face à la censure (2005)
Discipline industrielle et innovation cinématographique 1915-2004
Publisher: CNRS
Bollywood (2005)
Dans les coulisses des Film Cities
by Pierre Polomé and Virginie Broquet
Publisher: Rouergue
André Delvaux (2005)
Le cinéma ou l'art des rencontres
Publisher: Editions du Seuil
Subject: Director > André Delvaux
Israéliens, Palestiniens (2005)
que peut le cinéma ?: Carnets de route
Publisher: Michalon
Subject: Countries > Middle-East
Le Cinéma de Ken Loach (2005)
Misères de l'identité professionnelle
by Erika Thomas
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Scénarios modèles, modèles de scénarios (2005)
Publisher: Armand Colin
(old edition)
Subject: Film Analysis
La belle carrière de Maria Léonie FROMET (2005)
(1902 - 1967)
Publisher: Institut Jean Vigo
Subject: Actor > Maria Fromet
Zones Of Anxiety (2005)
Movement, Musidora, and the crime serials of Louis Feuillade
Publisher: Wayne State University Press
(in English)
Subject: Genre > Detective movie
La Vie nouvelle, nouvelle vision (2005)
A propos d'un film de Philippe Grandrieux
Dir. Nicole Brenez
Publisher: Léo Scheer
Subject: Genre > Experimental
Le Royaume de leurs rêves (2005)
La Saga des Juifs qui ont fondé Hollywood
by Neal Gabler
Publisher: Calmann-Lévy
(old edition)
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.