books sorted from newest to oldest
Esthétique du mouvement cinématographique (2005)
Publisher: Klincksieck
Subject: Technique > Aesthetics
Les figures marquantes du cinéma comique américain (2005)
Publisher: Le Manuscrit
Subject: Genre > Comedy/Humor
Caméra politique (2005)
Cinéma et stalinisme
Dir. Kristian Feigelson
Publisher: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle
Subject: Countries > Russia / USSR
Le Documentaire, un autre cinéma (2005)
by Guy Gauthier
Publisher: Armand Colin
(old edition)
Subject: Genre > Documentary
In the Mood for Love (2005)
by Adrien Gombeaud, Franck Kausch and Frédérique Toudoire-Surlapierre
Publisher: Éditions de la Transparence
Subject: One Film > In the Mood for Love
Le Violent (2005)
In a Lonely Place
by Dana Polan
Publisher: Éditions de la Transparence
Subject: One Film > In a Lonely Place
Fear Eats The Soul (2005)
(Angst essen Seele auf)
Publisher: BFI Publishing
(old edition)(in English)
Subject: One Film > Ali: Fear Eats the Soul
On The Waterfront (2005)
by Leo Braudy
Publisher: BFI Publishing
(in English)
Subject: One Film > On the Waterfront
Traité du combat moderne (2005)
Films et fictions de Stanley Kubrick
by Jordi Vidal
Publisher: Allia
Subject: Director > Stanley Kubrick
La société britannique à travers ses fictions télévisuelles (2005)
le cas des soap operas et des sitcoms
Publisher: Ellipses
Stanley Kubrick (2005)
L'humain, ni plus ni moins
by Michel Chion
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
Subject: Director > Stanley Kubrick
La Cinéphilie (2005)
Invention d'un regard, histoire d'une culture 1944-1968
Publisher: Hachette Littératures
(old edition)
Subject: Sociology
Lecture du film d'Im Kwon-taek (2005)
Le Chant de la fidèle Chunhyang
by Soojin Lee
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Série télévisée et espace domestique (2005)
la télévision, la maison, le monde
by Jean Mottet
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.