Grandes Dames du cinéma

(book in French)

  • Cover of the book Grandes Dames du cinéma by Don Macpherson
  • Cover of the book Grandes Dames du cinéma by Don Macpherson
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by Don Macpherson

On FilmsGuides and dictionaries
actresses, star, photos
Publishing Date
1986 (out of print or limited circulation)
(no collection)
Size of a pocketbookSize of a large bookRelative size of this book
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Physical desc.
Hardcover • 224 pages
9 ¾ x 13 inches (25 x 33 cm)
Also available as an eBook.
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Book Presentation:
Nouvelle édition en 1993 avec le même ISBN, couverture identique marquée "Nouvelle édition".

See the publisher website: Gründ

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