• Biographies (1) • Encyclopedias (8) • Dictionaries (2) • Essays (2) • Films Reviews (1) • Studies (11) • Stories (14) • Photos (23) • Writings (1)
• Biographies (0) • Encyclopedias (1) • Dictionaries (2) • Essays (2) • Films Reviews (0) • Studies (6) • Stories (12) • Photos (3) • Writings (1)
• Biographies (1 book)(0 book)
Les Trois Glorieuses (2008)
Danielle Darrieux, Michèle Morgan, Micheline Presle
Publisher: Pygmalion
Subject: Actor > Danielle Darrieux, Michèle Morgan, Micheline Presle
• Encyclopedias (8 books)(1 book)
Glamour in a Golden Age (2011)
Movie Stars of the 1930s
Dir. Adrienne L. McLean
Publisher: Rutgers University Press
(in English)
Femmes fatales (1988)
séductrices d'Hollywood
by Raymond Boyer and Olivier Schwengler
Publisher: Henri Veyrier
Subject: Countries > United States
Séductrices du cinéma français 1936-1957 (1978)
Publisher: Henri Veyrier
• Dictionaries (2 books)(2 books)
Actrices du cinéma français 1929-1944 (2018)
d'Arletty à Kiki de Montparnasse
Publisher: L'Aide-mémoire
• Essays (2 books)(2 books)
La Seconde Femme (2022)
Ce que les actrices font à la vieillesse
Publisher: Premier Parallèle
Subject: Sociology
• Films Reviews (1 book)(0 book)
Sex in the Cinema (2017)
The Pre-Code Years (1929-1934)
by Lou Sabini
Publisher: BearManor Media
(in English)
Subject: On Films > Film selections
• Studies (11 books)(6 books)
Féminités spectaculaires (2024)
Figures de l'actrice dans le roman français et américain (1946-2013)
Publisher: Classiques Garnier
Les actrices du IIIe Reich (2022)
Splendeurs et misères des icônes du Hollywood nazi
Publisher: Perrin
Actrices mythiques (2020)
Mythe de l'actrice sur les scènes occidentales (1870-1910)
Dir. Yannick Hoffert and Lucie Kempf
Publisher: Presses universitaires de Nancy
Subject: Sociology
The Beauty of the Real (2012)
What Hollywood Can Learn from Contemporary French Actresses
by Mick LaSalle
Publisher: Stanford University Press
(in English)
Les Actrices chinoises (2010)
Du Shanghai des années 1930 à la Chine d'aujourd'hui, portraits de femmes exceptionnelles
Publisher: Écrans Éditions
The Uncanny Gaze (2010)
The Drama of Early German Cinema
Publisher: University of Illinois Press
(in English)
Complicated Women (2001)
Sex and Power in Pre-Code Hollywood
by Mick LaSalle
Publisher: St Martin's Press
(in English)
Stars au féminin (2000)
Naissance, apogée et décadence du star-system
Dir. Jean-Loup Passek
Publisher: Éditions du Centre Pompidou
Subject: History of Cinema
Comédiennes aujourd'hui (1980)
Publisher: Lherminier
Subject: Actor > Isabelle Adjani, Isabelle Huppert, Dominique Laffin, Miou-Miou, Christine Pascal, Maria Schneider
• Stories (14 books)(12 books)
Moxie (2024)
The Daring Women of Classic Hollywood
by Ira M. Resnick and Raissa Bretaña
Publisher: Abbeville Press
(in English)
Vingt-cinq solistes pour un chœur (2019)
Les actrices de Bolognini
Dir. Roberto Cado
Publisher: Gli Ori
Subject: Director > Mauro Bolognini
L'actrice française est une femme comme les autres (2015)
(enfin presque)
by Florence Trédez and Maud Fournier
Publisher: Don Quichotte
Qu'est-il arrivé à Bette Davis et Joan Crawford ? (2008)
Publisher: TriArtis
Subject: One Film > What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
Les séductrices du cinéma (1989)
by Philippe Durant and Bénédicte Grammont
Publisher: Favre
Subject: General
• Photos (23 books)(3 books)
Creating the Illusion (2015)
A Fashionable History of Hollywood Costume Designers
by Jay Jorgensen and Donald L. Scoggins
Publisher: Running Press
(in English)
Hollywood en Kodachrome (2014)
by David Wills and Stephen Schmidt
Publisher: Éditions de La Martinière
Harcourt, le mythe (2014)
80 ans
by Dominique Besnehard and Guillaume Evin
Publisher: Éditions de La Martinière
Styling the Stars (2014)
Lost Treasures from the Twentieth Century Fox Archive
by Angela Cartwright and Tom McLaren
Publisher: Insight
(in English)
Subject: Studio > 20th Century Fox
100 photos de Sam Shaw pour la liberté de la presse (2012)
by Sam Shaw
Publisher: Reporters sans frontières
Subject: Actor > Marilyn Monroe
Cannes, ils et elles ont fait le festival (2007)
by Noël Simsolo, Elisabeth Quin and Traverso
Publisher: Cahiers du cinéma
Subject: Festivals
Les Déesses du cinéma français (1992)
Publisher: Atlas
L'Érotisme au cinéma (1981)
tome 2
by Joseph-Marie Lo Duca and Maurice Bessy
Publisher: Lherminier
Subject: On Films > Film selections
L'Érotisme au cinéma (1978)
by Joseph-Marie Lo Duca and Maurice Bessy
Publisher: Lherminier
Subject: On Films > Film selections
L'érotisme au cinéma (1968)
Publisher: Pauvert
(old edition)
Subject: On Films > Film selections
Vivat Vamp ! (1960)
De Mae West à Brigitte Bardot
by Paul Flora
Publisher: Éditions du Temps
Subject: On Films > On Set Photos
• Writings (1 book)(1 book)
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.