Robert Bresson

A Passion for Film (livre en anglais)

de Tony Pipolo

RéalisateurRobert Bresson
Mots Clés
Robert Bresson
Année d'édition
Oxford University Press
(hors collection)
Taille d'un livre de poche 11x18cmTaille relative de ce livreTaille d'un grand livre (29x22cm)
Taille du livre
Relié • 407 pages • 86 €
15,5 x 23,5 cm
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Description de l'ouvrage :
The French film director Robert Bresson was one of the great artists of the twentieth century and among the most radical, original, and radiant stylists of any time. He worked with nonprofessional actors—models, as he called them—and deployed a starkly limited but hypnotic array of sounds and images to produce such classic works as A Man Escaped, Pickpocket, Diary of a Country Priest, and Lancelot of the Lake. From the beginning to the end of his career, Bresson dedicated himself to making movies in which nothing is superfluous and everything is always at stake.

Sommaire :
INTRODUCTION ; 1. Rules of the Game (Les Anges du peche and Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne) ; 2. Author, Author (Journal d'un cure de campagne) ; 3. Triumphs of the Will (Un condamne a mort s'est echappe and Pickpocket) ; 4. The Young Virgins of the Provinces: I (Proces de Jeanne d'Arc) ; 5. The Middle of the Road (Au hasard Balthazar) ; 6. The Young Virgins of the Provinces: II (Mouchette) ; 7. Dostoevsky in Paris (Une femme douce and Quatre Nuits d'un reveur) ; 8. The Ultimate Geste (Lancelot du Lac) ; 9. Angels and Demons (Le Diable Probablement and L'Argent) ; EPILOGUE ; INDEX

Voir le site internet de l'éditeur Oxford University Press

Voir la filmographie complète de Robert Bresson sur le site IMDB ...

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