• Encyclopedias (7) • Studies (6) • Stories (2) • Photos (150) • Didactic (1) • Writings (1)
• Encyclopedias (2) • Studies (4) • Stories (2) • Photos (67) • Didactic (0) • Writings (1)
• Encyclopedias (7 books)(2 books)
Les Plus Belles Affiches de films (2019)
Publisher: Gründ
Films - Silence ! Moteur ! Action ! (2015)
Publisher: White Star
Subject: On Films > Film selections
Les Plus Belles Affiches du cinéma italien (2000)
Publisher: Dreamland
100 ans d'affiches de cinéma (1996)
Description et cote de 20000 affiches
Publisher: Éditions de l'Amateur
La Cote de l'affiche de cinéma (1991)
Publisher: Éditions de l'Amateur
Affiches cinématographiques de la Cinémathèque française (1990)
Histoire et vie des stars
Publisher: Edita
La Cote de l'affiche de cinéma (1989)
6000 cotes, 2200 photos
Publisher: Éditions de l'Amateur
(old edition)
• Studies (6 books)(4 books)
The Art of Selling Movies (2017)
by John McElwee
Publisher: GoodKnight Books
(in English)
Subject: Economy
Star Wars Propaganda (2016)
Une histoire de l'art de la propagande dans Star Wars
Publisher: Hachette Heroes
Showmen, Sell It Hot! (2013)
Movies As Merchandise in Golden Era Hollywood
by John McElwee
Publisher: GoodKnight Books
(in English)
Subject: Economy
Putain de film ! (2006)
Petit inventaire des accroches publicitaires sur les affiches de films
Publisher: Balland
• Stories (2 books)(2 books)
Mocky s'affiche (2007)
by Jean-Pierre Mocky and André Coutin
Publisher: Christian Pirot
Subject: Director > Jean-Pierre Mocky
• Photos (150 books)(67 books)
Poster Collection 36 (2024)
Publisher: Lars Muller Publishers
(in English and German)
Jerry Goldsmith (2024)
Visual filmography
by Yves Desrichard and Rafik Djoumi
Publisher: Pulse
Subject: Others persons > Jerry Goldsmith
L'Avènement des Super-héros - 1939-1999 (2023)
Les plus belles affiches ciné de super-héros
by John Prate
Publisher: Omaké books
The Art of Classic Sci-Fi Movies (2023)
Dir. Adam Newell
Publisher: Applause
(in English)
Subject: Genre > Science fiction
Terrors on a Razor's Edge (2023)
100 Giallo & Krimi Film Posters From Italy
by G.H. Janus
Publisher: Bonefyre Books
(in English)
Kaiju-Rama (2022)
Les plus belles affiches de Godzilla et des monstres japonais
by John Prate
Publisher: Omaké books
Les Affiches japonaises de films culte (2022)
Publisher: Omaké books
Film Posters of the Russian Avant-Garde (2021)
by Susan Pack
Publisher: Taschen
(in English, French and German)
Subject: Countries > Russia / USSR
The Art of Disney (2021)
Classic Movie Posters 100 collectible postcards
Publisher: Chronicle
(in English)
Subject: Studio > Walt Disney Studios
Yves Thos, affichiste de cinéma (2020)
Histoire d'une passion
by Guillaume Boulangé and Christian Rolot
Publisher: Deuxième époque
Les Plus Belles Affiches de cinéma (2020)
Une autre histoire du 7e art
Publisher: Heredium
(old edition)
Hung, Drawn and Executed (2019)
The Horror Art of Graham Humphreys
Publisher: Korero Press
(in English)
Alain Delon (2019)
Ses plus belles images de films, sa filmographie
Publisher: AKFG
Subject: Actor > Alain Delon
Film Noir movie posters (2019)
Dir. Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
(in English, French and German)
Subject: Genre > Detective movie
Dans l'enfer vert de la Rambosploitation (2018)
by Claude Gaillard and Alexis Prevost
Publisher: Huginn & Muninn
Aventures maritimes (2018)
Affiches et photos de cinéma
by Dominique Auzel and Guillaume Boulangé
Publisher: Arnaud Bizalion
25 Lon Chaney Movie Posters (2017)
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
(in English)
Subject: Actor > Lon Chaney
Les Affiches mythiques Disney tome 2 (2017)
à colorier
Publisher: Hachette Heroes
Subject: Studio > Walt Disney Studios
Star Trek (2016)
50 ans, 50 artistes
Publisher: Bragelonne
Subject: One Film > Star Trek (TV Series)
Les Affiches mythiques Disney (2016)
Publisher: Hachette Heroes
Subject: Studio > Walt Disney Studios
Film Posters of the Russian Avant-Garde (2016)
by Susan Pack
Publisher: Taschen
(old edition)(in English, French and German)
Subject: Countries > Russia / USSR
Le Cinéma en 39 fantastiques thèmes... de plus (2015)
Publisher: Indépendant
Fantastique Cinéma mythologique et science-fictionnel (2015)
Publisher: Indépendant
Le cinéma s'affiche en grand (2015)
Publisher: Arnaud Bizalion
The Art of Noir (2014)
The Posters and Graphics from the Classic Era of Film Noir
by Eddie Muller
Publisher: Overlook
(in English)
Du cinéma plein les yeux (2014)
Affiches de façade peintes par André Azaïs
Dir. Natacha Laurent
Publisher: Nouvelles Éditions Loubatières
James Bond (2012)
50 ans d'art et d'affiches
Publisher: Huginn & Muninn
Subject: One Film > James Bond
Harry Potter, les plus belles affiches (2012)
Publisher: Huginn & Muninn
Subject: One Film > Harry Potter
Affiches de cinéma (2012)
Publisher: Citadelles & Mazenod
Film Noir Graphics (2012)
Where Danger Lives
by Alain Silver and James Ursini
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
(in English)
Ça s'affiche mal ! (2011)
Le meilleur du pire des affiches de cinéma du monde, Le Ghana
Publisher: Le Bord de l'eau
L'icône Clint Eastwood (2010)
l'essentiel des affiches de ses films
Publisher: Panini
Subject: Director > Clint Eastwood
Les premières feuilles de la marguerite (2008)
affiches Gaumont 1905-1908
Publisher: Gaumont
Lautner s'affiche (2007)
by Philippe Chanoinat and Michel Rodrigue
Publisher: Le Lombard
Subject: Director > Georges Lautner
Monstres humains et inhumains (2006)
by Martine Boyer and Pierre Bourdy
Publisher: Intemporel
(in French and English)
Film posters - Science fiction (2006)
Publisher: Evergreen
(in English)
Subject: Genre > Science fiction
Film Posters of the 30s (2005)
The essential movies of the decade
by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Publisher: Taschen
(in English)
Gnomes of the Silver Screen (2005)
Publisher: Robson Press
(in English)
Charlie Chaplin (2005)
Movie Posters
by Israël Perry and Jean-Louis Capitaine
Publisher: Queen Art
(in French and English)
Subject: Director > Charlie Chaplin
The Queer Movie Poster Book (2004)
by Jenni Olson
Publisher: Chronicle
(in English)
Subject: On Films > Film selections
Film Posters of the 30s (2003)
by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Publisher: Aurum Press
(old edition)(in English)
X-Rated. Adult Movie Posters of the 60s and 70s (2003)
Volume 1
by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Publisher: Snoeck
Close-Up in Black (2002)
African-American Films Posters from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Publisher: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Hitchcock Poster Art (2000)
From the Mark H. Wolff Collection
Publisher: Overlook
(in English)
Subject: Director > Alfred Hitchcock
Les affiches de la Nouvelle vague (1998)
by Serge Zreik
Publisher: Éditions du Pécari
(old edition)
Trains, affiches et cinéma (1997)
Publisher: La Vie du Rail
Film Posters of the Russian Avant-Garde (1997)
by Susan Pack
Publisher: Taschen
(old edition)(in English)
Subject: Countries > Russia / USSR
Prochainement dans cette salle (1996)
Chronique de l'affiche de cinéma belge
by Rik Stallaerts and Robbe de Hert
Publisher: Éditions du Perron
Jean-Adrien Mercier, affichiste (1995)
Cinéma et publicité
by Anne-Claude Lelieur and Raymond Bachollet
Publisher: Agence culturelle de Paris
Affiches de cinéma (1995)
Trésors de la bibliothèque nationale de France 1896-1960
Publisher: Éditions de l'Amateur
Cinéma, affiches 1925-1942 (1994)
Publisher: Gallimard
L'invitation au cinématographe (1993)
Les affiches des origines, 1895-1914
Publisher: Adrien Maeght
Subject: Silent Cinema
Brigitte Bardot à l'affiche (1992)
Publisher: Éditions du Collectionneur
Subject: Actor > Brigitte Bardot
Affiches du cinéma fantastique (1990)
Publisher: Henri Veyrier
Les Affiches du cinéma français (1989)
Publisher: Seghers
Roger Soubie, affichiste (1988)
Publisher: Institut Jean Vigo
Souvenirs d'Hollywood (1986)
Affiches du cinéma américain, 1925-1950
by Serge Zreik and Florence Zreik
Publisher: Alternatives
• Didactic (1 book)(0 book)
• Writings (1 book)(1 book)
Souvenirs de films (2009)
Du 9e art au 7e art, 51 dessinateurs à l'affiche
Dir. Jean-Pierre Eugène
Publisher: Le Lombard
Subject: On Films > Film selections
Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.