See the collections / series of this publisher
• Biographies (20) • Encyclopedias (56) • Studies (3) • Stories (7) • Photos (23)
• Biographies (4) • Encyclopedias (30) • Studies (1) • Stories (3) • Photos (9)
• Biographies (20 books)(4 books)
Federico Fellini (2013)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Federico Fellini
François Truffaut (2013)
filmographie complète
by Robert Ingram and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > François Truffaut
Marilyn Monroe (2012)
by Norman Mailer and Bert Stern
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Actor > Marilyn Monroe
Stanley Kubrick (2011)
by Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Stanley Kubrick
Alfred Hitchcock (2011)
Filmographie complète
by Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Alfred Hitchcock
Michelangelo Antonioni (2008)
l'investigation, 1912-2007 - Filmographie complète
by Seymour Chatman and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Michelangelo Antonioni
François Truffaut (2008)
by Robert Ingram and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: Director > François Truffaut
Jean Renoir (2007)
Conversation avec ses films 1894-1979
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Jean Renoir
Michael Mann (2006)
Dir. F.X. Feeney and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Michael Mann
Roman Polanski (2006)
by F.X. Feeney and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Roman Polanski
Luis Buñuel (2005)
Une chimère 1900-1983
by Bill Krohn and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Luis Buñuel
Paul Verhoeven (2005)
by Douglas Keesey and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Paul Verhoeven
John Ford (2004)
Le pionnier du 7e art 1894-1973
by Scott Eyman and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Michelangelo Antonioni (2004)
l'investigation - Filmographie complète
by Seymour Chatman and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Michelangelo Antonioni
François Truffaut (2003)
filmographie complète
by Robert Ingram and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: Director > François Truffaut
Federico Fellini (2003)
le faiseur de rêves, 1920-1993
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Federico Fellini
Billy Wilder (2003)
Le cinéma de l'esprit, 1906-2002, filmographie complète
by Glenn Hopp
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Billy Wilder
Leni Riefenstahl (2000)
Cinq vies
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in German, English and French)
Subject: Director > Leni Riefenstahl
• Encyclopedias (56 books)(30 books)
The Stan Lee Story (2024)
by Roy Thomas
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
Subject: Others persons > Stan Lee
Stanley Kubrick's The Shining (2024)
by J.W. Rinzler
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
The James Bond Archives (2023)
“No Time To Die” Edition
by Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
Subject: One Film > James Bond
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse (2023)
Toute l'histoire
by David Gerstein and J.B. Kaufman
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Les Archives Star Wars (2022)
Episodes I-III, 1999-2005
by Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
100 films des années 1990 (2022)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: On Films > Per period
100 films des années 2000 (2022)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: On Films > Per period
100 films des années 1980 (2022)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: On Films > Per period
Walt Disney Film Archives (2022)
Les Films d'animation 1921-1968
Dir. Daniel Kothenschulte
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English and French)
Subject: Studio > Walt Disney Studios
100 films des années 2010 (2022)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: On Films > Per period
The James Bond Archives (2021)
by Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English and French)
Subject: One Film > James Bond
Les Archives Charlie Chaplin (2021)
by Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English and French)
Subject: Director > Charlie Chaplin
Les Archives Star Wars (2021)
Episodes I-III 1999-2005
by Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
The Star Wars Archives (2020)
by Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English)
Jacques Tati (2019)
L'intégrale de Jacques Tati en cinq volumes
Dir. Alison Castle
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Coffret 5 volumes
Subject: Director > Jacques Tati
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse (2018)
Toute l'Histoire
by David Gerstein and J.B. Kaufman
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Rocky (2018)
The Complete Films
by Sylvester Stallone and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
The Star Wars archives (2018)
Episodes IV-VI 1977-1983
by Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English)
Les Archives Ingmar Bergman (2018)
Dir. Paul Duncan and Bengt Wanselius
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Ingmar Bergman
Les Archives Pedro Almodovar (2017)
Dir. Paul Duncan and Barbara Peiro
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Director > Pedro Almodóvar
Walt Disney Film Archives (2016)
Les Films d'animation 1921-1968
Dir. Daniel Kothenschulte
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English and French)
Subject: Studio > Walt Disney Studios
The Ingmar Bergman Archives (2016)
Dir. Paul Duncan and Bengt Wanselius
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English)
Subject: Director > Ingmar Bergman
James Bond archives (2015)
by Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English and French)
Subject: One Film > James Bond
The Charlie Chaplin Archives (2015)
by Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English and French)
Subject: Director > Charlie Chaplin
Ken Adam archives (2015)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
Subject: Others persons > Ken Adam
The Making of Stanley Kubrick's 2001, a Space Odyssey (2015)
by Piers Bizony
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
Subject: One Film > 2001: A Space Odyssey
L'univers des séries TV (2015)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
The Making of Stanley Kubrick's 2001, a Space Odyssey (2014)
by Piers Bizony
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English)
Subject: One Film > 2001: A Space Odyssey
Film noir (2014)
100 all-time favorites
by Paul Duncan and Jürgen Müller
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Genre > Detective movie
Les Classiques du cinéma des années 90 (2012)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
2 volumes
Subject: On Films > Per period
The James Bond archives (2012)
by Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English)
Subject: One Film > James Bond
Film Noir (2012)
by Alain Silver, James Ursini and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Genre > Detective movie
Le Cinéma d'horreur (2012)
by Jonathan Penner and Steven Jay Schneider
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Films des années 2000 (2011)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: On Films > Per period
Les Archives Pedro Almodovar (2011)
Dir. Paul Duncan and Barbara Peiro
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Pedro Almodóvar
100 Classiques du 7ème Art de Taschen (2011)
Dir. Jürgen Müller
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
2 volumes
(old edition)
Subject: On Films > Film selections
Le Cinéma expérimental (2009)
by Paul Duncan and Paul Young
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Genre > Experimental
Le Cinéma japonais (2009)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Le Cinéma d'horreur (2008)
by Jonathan Penner and Steven Jay Schneider
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
The Ingmar Bergman Archives (2008)
Dir. Paul Duncan and Bengt Wanselius
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
avec 1 DVD
(old edition)
Subject: Director > Ingmar Bergman
100 classiques du 7ème art (2008)
Dir. Jürgen Müller
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: On Films > Film selections
Stanley Kubrick Archives (2008)
Dir. Alison Castle
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English and French)
Subject: Director > Stanley Kubrick
Films des années 20 (2007)
et des premières années du cinéma
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: On Films > Per period
Films des années 30 (2006)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: On Films > Per period
Les meilleurs films des années 70 (2006)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: On Films > Per period
Les meilleurs films des années 80 (2005)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: On Films > Per period
Films des années 40 (2005)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: On Films > Per period
Les Meilleurs Films des années 90 (2005)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: On Films > Per period
Le Cinéma érotique (2005)
Dir. Douglas Keesey and Paul Duncan
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Films des années 50 (2005)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: On Films > Per period
Films des années 60 (2004)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: On Films > Per period
Films des années 70 (2003)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: On Films > Per period
Films des années 80 (2002)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: On Films > Per period
Films des années 90 (2001)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)
Subject: On Films > Per period
• Studies (3 books)(1 book)
Le Napoléon de Stanley Kubrick (2017)
Le meilleur film jamais tourné
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in French, English and German)
Subject: One Film > Napoleon (Kubrick)
Stanley Kubrick's Napoleon (2011)
The Greatest Movie Never Made
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in French, English and German)
Subject: One Film > Napoleon (Kubrick)
Eadweard Muybridge (2010)
The Human and Animal Locomotion Photographs
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in German, English and French)
Subject: History of Cinema
• Stories (7 books)(3 books)
Life. Hollywood (2024)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
2 tomes en coffret
(in English)
Disneyland (2020)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Studio > Walt Disney Studios
Hollywood dans les années 1930 (2014)
by Daniel Kothenschulte and Robert Nippoldt
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Billy Wilder's Some Like It Hot (2010)
by Dan Auiler and Alison Castle
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
Subject: One Film > Some Like It Hot
Cinema Now (2007)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
avec 1 DVD
Subject: On Films > Per period
Babel (2006)
A film by Alejandro González Iñárritu
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
• Photos (23 books)(9 books)
Film Posters of the Russian Avant-Garde (2021)
by Susan Pack
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English, French and German)
Subject: Countries > Russia / USSR
Dennis Hopper (2018)
Photographs 1961-1967
Dir. Tony Shafrazi
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Français, anglais, allemand
Subject: Director > Dennis Hopper
Barbra (2016)
by Steve Schapiro and Lawrence Schiller
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Actor > Barbra Streisand
Taxi Driver (2015)
by Paul Duncan and Steve Schapiro
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Limited edition, multilangue
Subject: One Film > Taxi Driver
Audrey Hepburn (2014)
Photographs 1953-1966
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English, French and German)
Subject: Actor > Audrey Hepburn
Jane et Serge (2013)
A family album
by Andrew Birkin and Alison Castle
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: Actor > Jane Birkin
The Godfather Family Album (2013)
by Paul Duncan and Steve Schapiro
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English, French and German)
Subject: One Film > The Godfather
Taxi Driver (2013)
by Paul Duncan and Steve Schapiro
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Subject: One Film > Taxi Driver
Africa (2010)
Dir. Angelika Taschen
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English, German and French)
Subject: Director > Leni Riefenstahl
Bollywood, l'art de l'affiche (2010)
by Paul Duncan and Rajesh Devraj
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Film Posters Horror (2006)
by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
Film Posters Exploitation (2006)
by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
The Frenchman (2005)
Un entretien photographique avec Fernandel
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
Africa (2005)
Dir. Angelika Taschen
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English, German, French and Japanese)
Subject: Director > Leni Riefenstahl
Film Posters of the 80s (2005)
by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
Film Posters of the 90s (2005)
by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
Film Posters of the 70s (2005)
by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
Film Posters of the 50s (2005)
by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
Film Posters of the 60s (2005)
by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
Film Posters of the 30s (2005)
The essential movies of the decade
by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)
Africa (2003)
Dir. Angelika Taschen
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(old edition)(in English, German, French and Japanese)
Subject: Director > Leni Riefenstahl
Olympia (2002)
Publisher: Taschen
Collection: (no collection)
(in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish)
Subject: Director > Leni Riefenstahl
> Other links:
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Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.